More threads by David Baxter PhD

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
At first IE8 annoyed me and I actually tried switching to Firefox but for the life of me I cannot get used to FF - it just lacks too many features I use all the time and gives me features I don't want.

Since then, I'm discovering some very nice benefits to IE8 over IE7. For example, if something on a site crashes the browser, it closes like IE7 but immediately reloads with all your windows and tabs intact. That's a big timesaver for me since I typically have 7 IE windows open and 2 or 3 of them will have one or more tabs as well.

The two remaining IE8 features I haven't figured out how to get around:

  1. it won't let you alter the order of toolbars as you could with previous IE versions
  2. for secure sites (https://) it keeps popping up an annoying and at first confusing alert message about mixed secure and insecure information on a page - you cannot proceed with clicking eiother yes or no and you have to reread the alert message a few times very carefully to figure out what the correct answer is


Re: Message Comp Window Behavior

With regards to #2, the only place I have seen those pop ups is on the Vonage Forum with IE7. I investigated it a while back, and learned there are settings in the advanced settings of IE that control those pop ups....I just don't recall the settings at the moment, but will try to locate them for you.

I don't know if it will be the same in IE8 though, but would almost expect it would be.

I'll install IE8 on the desktop this weekend so I can compare it more closely.

Consider checking out my favorite IE support forum

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Re: Message Comp Window Behavior

Actually, that jogged my memory and I found it - Internet Options | Security tab | Internet Zone | Custom


Re: IE8 Notes & Comments

I've installed IE8 on the desktop. Enabled a few Accelerators to test and enabled Suggested Sites.

I did not see the security pop ups for https sites following installation. All my earlier settings appear to have been saved and imported. No obvious issues so far.


  • accels.jpg
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David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Re: IE8 Notes & Comments

Yes, I haven't enabled accelerators yet either, or even taken the time to find out what they are. :eek:

I think the change in security settings I mentioned above should do it.


I think I will find limited usefulness with accelerators, which embed selected text into a pre determined destination.

So, by selecting the ones I did, if I select some text, a little icon appears or if I left click the same menu is available to define the word or search Google for that word.

Wilkepedia has an accelerator as well.

Microsoft is using them to promote their Windows Live facilities, and I haven't yet figured out the role of other accelerators such as those on the Music sites.

Some of them look like glorified add-ons that run little applets through Real Player has done for years.

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Yes, at this point from a Quick look it seemed like a Micorsoft Live and Google Gadgets show... foreshadowing the dream both of them seem to have of applications hosted online and available by subscription.

Not going to happen, if I have anything to say about it.


A bug has been identified with IE8 and its ability to run certain scripts. Although I haave not seen any such behaviour so far on Psychlinks which uses the vBulletin Forum software platform, a problem has been seen on forums using the SMF forum software platform.

It has to do with posting long messages (over 15 lines) and the inability of the message composition window to handle long messages.

If unusual behaviour is seen using IE8, then try working around the problem by setting the site in question to run in compatibility view by going to the Tools menu and selecting Compatibility View.

If you see this problem on multiple sites that you visit, then you can use the option on the Compatibility View Settings window to Display All Web Sites in Compatibility View.

This issue affects computers using Microsoft Internet Explorer 8 internet explorer. So far we have not seen problems on Psychlinks.
At first IE8 annoyed me and I actually tried switching to Firefox but for the life of me I cannot get used to FF - it just lacks too many features I use all the time and gives me features I don't want.

I use Opera. Funny thing, I am using Firefox right now, I don't even know why. :S But I regularly use Opera. If it crashes, it saves your tabs so when you open it again it'll load the old tabs for you. It's actually a lot like IE in terms of functionality. I finally got tired of IE's constant crashing about 3 or 4 months ago and switched completely to Opera. I found the switch very smooth. I agree that Firefox can be a bit annoying.. This is part of the reason why I downloaded Firefox, found it unusable and seeked out Opera. :)

Sorry if I posted in a thread that I wasn't supposed to post in... :panic:

Edit: The quote feature worked this time. Sweet.


Resident Canuck
I just updated to EI 8 and so far I hate it :hissyfit:

It is so slow!

Sorry to interupt if I am, but what do I do to get the other one back? anyone know?

I do not understand what half the things are on EI 8 :hissyfit: I want the old one back :)
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