More threads by David Baxter PhD

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
World IPv6 Day

by David G, cPanel Inc.
June 3, 2011

The cPanel systems administration team has been hard at work keeping our network on the cutting edge of technology, with our latest project being the implementation of IPv6.

As many of you know, IPv4 addresses are quickly running out, with new allocations soon only available in IPv6. In an effort to speed up the deployment of IPv6, on June 8, The Internet Society (ISOC) is hosting "World IPv6 Day." Participating along with many other companies around the world, we will be enabling IPv6 over our cPanel Inc. servers.

Our company website is currently available for people to access through IPv6 via, but on June 8th, we?ll be making cPanel Inc. available through both IPv4 and IPv6. We will also be making our forums, cPanel Forums, available through IPv6 as well. "World IPv6 Day" will give network operators worldwide an opportunity to test for any potential issues with IPv6 without risk of long-term down time.

The migration to IPv6 has proven to be a journey into uncharted territory. Unlike IPv4, IPv6 doesn?t yet have many documented best practices for implementation. We, like much of the world, are still learning the best ways to apply this technology. Although IPv6 is still relatively new to many, its implementation will be a very welcome change to how the Internet works as we know it.

To test your IPv6 readiness, please visit Test your IPv6.

For more information about World IPv6 Day, visit Internet Society - World IPv6 Day

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Google's IPv6 Test
by Alex Chitu, Google Operating System Blog
June 5, 2011

As promised in January, Google will test IPv6 on June 8. IPv6 is the new version of the Internet Protocol which allows a lot more devices to connect to the Internet.

"Google has been supporting IPv6 since early 2008, when we first began offering search over IPv6. Since then we've brought IPv6 support to YouTube and have been helping ISPs enable Google over IPv6 by default for their users. On World IPv6 Day, we'll be taking the next big step. Together with major web companies such as Facebook and Yahoo!, we will enable IPv6 on our main websites for 24 hours. This is a crucial phase in the transition, because while IPv6 is widely deployed in many networks, it's never been used at such a large scale before."

Google expects that less than 0.5% of the users will be affected by the test. There's even a page that tests your connection and detects IPv6 connectivity issues. Even if IPv6 will be enabled for 24 hours, IPv4 will continue to be available.
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