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Yes, its crazy im already havingh a job burnout?

Im lack balance between work and my personal life, I work 2:30 to 10:30pm shift my dusband has been so inscure about our marriage that this all is dragging me over the edge.I fell like I have to do everything for every one everyone.My job is monotonous everyone wants care all at the same time, and I don't know everyones routine so they get mad at me no control over your work everyone does there job half a____.And Im so dang cynical, critical and sarcastic at work? I have lost the ability to experience joy?
I dread going to work and just drag myselfself into work.
Im irritable and less patient with co-workers and residents. I just started taking ambien to help sleep but as you can see im still up. when Im at work
I lack energy. unexplained headaches.
Im stressed
Unhealthy weight changes
Depression that I moved
A negative spillover into your relationships or home life

What in the heck am I supposed to do. I can't find anything for a job causenothing sounds interesting.

Daniel E.
I can't find anything for a job causenothing sounds interesting.

The pay may be significantly less, but, as you know, there are clerical jobs in healthcare, e.g. unit clerk, registration, medical records, etc. Those jobs don't pay much, but if you can get that job at a VA hospital, that work can go towards pension benefits should you continue to work for the government later on. And these clerical jobs can be less stressful, though they may not be more interesting. (I don't know what it's like to work at the VA, but I think one reason more people don't apply is that it can take months of beurocratic processing between hire and job start.)

In any case, my favorite employer is the local/state/federal government, including universities and libraries.
Also, I remember reading a study of highly paid nurses who specialized in administering anesthesia, and they would often walk away from their $100,000 per year job because of job stress, largely attributed to problematic co-workers, which, for many, were more of a problem than the incessant demands of the job.
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Hello :hair: TLC,

I suffered from job burnout around 4 years ago, and it intertwined with my CD. I don't even like to describe it, that's how bad it was.
Here's a few thoughts for you:

You are only one person, and there is not 25 hours in a day.
Your are not Wonder Woman, a juggler in a circus, nor do you have a magic wand either.
Do not overload your plate with STUFF, emotionally, mentally, or physically.
Share the STUFF with close family, friends, professionals, could even be a pet cat (have you hugged a horse lately?).
Do not have people dumping even more STUFF on your plate, sort of like knowing your limits.
Don't forget about a "me time", better yet, try to do something for yourself that's completely whimsical and ridiculous. When you come back from that "time", you might have a different perspective on your STUFF.

Some of these things can be very hard to do or accept, but just the same, I found them helpful when I was burning out.

:support: to you.
I have been known to jump from one job to the next and never to keep a jpb very long just because Im set in the ways how I think my job should be done as a CNA anyway I talk to my boss and requested that I go work on the alziemhers unit which is less hasle except for the behaviors and its working out good so far at least I feel I have some control over how the work gets done and its less residents

Daniel E.
I talk to my boss and requested that I go work on the alziemhers unit which is less hasle except for the behaviors and its working out good so far at least I feel I have some control over how the work gets done and its less residents

Good to hear :)
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