Things I've learned as I grew older
For me, these are the big three: Gratitude: Focus on what you have to be grateful for instead of the challenges, hardships, and disappointments you experience in your life. Compassion: this applies both to Self-compassion — be gentle and understanding with yourself when you make mistakes or...
For me, these are the big three:
- Gratitude: Focus on what you have to be grateful for instead of the challenges, hardships, and disappointments you experience in your life.
- Compassion: this applies both to Self-compassion — be gentle and understanding with yourself when you make mistakes or say or do something that inadvertently hurts someone else; and Other-compassion — practice the same compassion to other people and their mistakes or slip-ups as you practice for yourself.
- Forgiveness: this should go hand in hand with compassion, self-forgiveness and other-forgiveness.