Barry Brody, PhD, LMFT

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"I have begun to wonder if the broken record is really a life raft."

"We all have things we shy away from. If we get really good at it, we don’t even know that we are doing this. Until something happens out of the blue, and we don’t have time to get our avoidance mechanisms in place. Then we realize that there is something we have been avoiding."

"I think early in our lives, we all learn about nothing. Most of us learn to fear it, then forget about it and spend the rest of our lives trying to avoid it. The most common methods of avoiding the experience of nothing are compulsions, addictions and obsessions."

"I am more interested in the question than the answer. Sometimes, questioning and searching for an answer, is just a way to avoid moving on. The eternal search for the "why," which can become a way to retreat from the bridge to the other side."

"One way to conceptualize therapy is that people come into therapy because they are stuck. They can’t move on. They may be stuck on a marriage, a death, an obsessive thought, a repetitive behavior, a feeling that they can’t seem to get rid of."

"We all say and do stupid, mindless things. We all have feelings we can’t explain to ourselves and consider ridiculous. We are all in some ways repeat offenders in life, making the same mistakes over and over and over."

"We are not dealing with physical ailments. We are dealing with the human mind. And the mind is not sensible. Thoughts, feelings can’t be seen, touched, heard, etc., only sensed and experienced."

"In the end, all these unwanted things that we can’t get rid of, are messages about ourselves."

~ Barry Brody, PhD, LMFT


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