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David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
12 Important Things I Learned (or Re-learned) Recently
By Dazzlin Donna
August 26, 2010

  1. Sometimes people will disappoint you; sometimes people will pleasantly surprise you.
  2. Sometimes I?ll feel hurt because others are unfairly judged.
  3. Sometimes people need to be reminded that the worth of a voice is not dependent upon the amount of money available to spend on that voice.
  4. Sometimes I?m reminded that you wouldn?t know me at all; you would never have heard my name; or read anything I?ve ever written, if I?d been required to pay $xxx in order to share my voice.
  5. Sometimes people don?t realize how their good intentions might hurt others.
  6. Sometimes people don?t care.
  7. Sometimes the world isn?t fair.
  8. Sometimes I need to speak out.
  9. Sometimes we all need to realize that our words have power.
  10. Sometimes we need to remember that our own self-worth is not dependent upon what some arbitrary government or some collective group of people decides we are worth.
  11. Sometimes each and every one of us should share our thoughts even when others believe we should not.
  12. Sometimes, that which we share, will touch others in ways that we may never realize. For that reason, we should continue to share our voices, even when we think no one is listening.
Words have power to heal and to also destroy. The written word- the vocal word both affect our worlds. It is imperative especially with the young, vulnerable weak, one with mental illness to use your words so very carefully. If one cannot say anything positive or kind it is better to keep ones words to themselves .
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