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David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
18 and Under: What to Do When the Patient Says, ?Please Don?t Tell Mom?
By PERRI KLASS, M.D., New York Times
December 9, 2008

Some years ago, in the candor of the exam room, a seventh-grade boy told me that he didn?t really have friends at school, and that he sometimes found himself being picked on. I gave him the pediatric line on bullying: it shouldn?t be tolerated, and there are things schools can do about it. Let?s talk to your parents, let?s have your parents talk to the school; adult interventions can change the equation.

And he was horrified. He shook his head vehemently and asked me please not to interfere, and above all not to say a word to his mother, who was out in the waiting room because I had asked her to give us some privacy.

He wouldn?t have told me this at all, he said, except he thought our conversation was private. The situation at school wasn?t all that bad; he could handle it. He wasn?t in any danger, wasn?t getting hurt, he was just a little lonely. His parents, he said, thought that he was fine, that he had lots of friends, and he wanted to keep it that way.

When treating older adolescents, pediatricians routinely offer confidentiality on many issues, starting with sex and substances. But middle-schoolers are on the border ? old enough to be asked some of the same questions, but young enough that it can be less clear what should stay confidential.

At my own eighth-grade son?s pediatric checkup last year, I of course left the room, because I didn?t want to embarrass him or inhibit him, and because I wanted his pediatrician to have the opportunity to hear anything he wanted to say. (I am reporting this with my son?s explicit permission.) But as I waited, I thought of that seventh grader, and of the other middle-schoolers who have told me things that left me agonizing about the ethics and the wisdom of confidentiality in this age group.

I?m not talking about the child who tells you something that makes it clear he?s in danger. Those are the ?easy? ones (though in another sense they can be tremendously difficult), and I?ve had my share: The 13-year-old girl who is frightened of a much older guy who sometimes seems to follow her home. The 14-year-old boy who has been thinking about dying a lot ever since his grandmother died. The seventh grader who is being beaten up on the playground. No matter the age, when I feel the child is actually in danger, I explain that I have to let the parents know.

But as I talked to my colleagues ? including my son?s pediatrician, Dr. Herbert Lazarus ? we all kept coming up with ambiguous cases. Because you do value the child?s trust, and you don?t want to lose it.

I?m not talking about the child who tells you he shared a beer with his friends one day after school. Most sensible parents, I think, know that once they?re out of the exam room we?re going to review sex, drugs and rock ?n? roll with their children, and most sensible parents, I think, are grateful. And many middle-school children seem grateful for the opportunity to mention that yes, they have been in situations where people are drinking.

?They?ll preface it with ?My mom?s not going to know about this, right?? ? said Dr. Lazarus, who is also a clinical associate professor of pediatrics at New York University. ?I?m going to talk as much as I can about why this is not good, and all we know about alcohol and marijuana. There are enough studies out there that show how bad this is for brain development.?

But what about if it?s more than a beer? One of my colleagues had a story: a 13-year-old girl who was drinking and stealing from her parents? liquor cabinet. ?She did admit that to me,? the pediatrician said. ?She was doing it by herself, not a good sign, not social drinking.?

The child did not want her mother to know, and the pediatrician, who had known her since infancy, negotiated a compromise: the doctor would advise the mother that the girl needed counseling, and as long as she went to counseling, and discussed the drinking and her underlying issues with the counselor, the pediatrician would not tell her mother about the liquor.

But even though it worked out, even though she continued seeing the patient regularly, the pediatrician still felt less than completely comfortable. ?I did personally feel bad,? she said, ?because if I were the mother, I would want to know, and I actually did tell the mother just to keep a closer eye on her without going into the details.? So what about the child who trusts you with the information that he?s being picked on, or that all is not well at home? You want to keep that child?s trust ? all the more so if the child isn?t talking to the parents, because you want to be available for more confidences if things grow worse.

?The balance changes in part based on what the level of the health risks are, how mature that young person is, how much parental oversight they?re receiving,? said Dr. S. Jean Emans, chief of adolescent medicine at Children?s Hospital Boston.

Experts say the middle-school years are particularly challenging. ?It?s a fine balance because it?s developmentally appropriate for kids to want to develop some autonomy and it?s the time when they should be developing at least in part a private and confidential relationship with a physician,? said Dr. Carol A. Ford, director of the adolescent medicine program at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill.

?Middle school is really when you see a lot of variation in pubertal development and cognitive development and social development,? Dr. Ford went on. ?A 12-year-old who looks like an 18-year-old ? you can?t assume they think like an 18-year-old. You can?t assume their skills of negotiating the world are related to their physical maturity.?

Or as Dr. Emans put it: ?You do have to make tough choices. There isn?t a little book where you look up, ?O.K., this can stay confidential and this can?t.? ?

So what did I do with the seventh grader who had told me he didn?t have friends at school? Well, I asked him a bunch of questions, and I decided that he wasn?t feeling suicidal (or homicidal) and that the situation in his school didn?t threaten his physical safety. I urged him to talk to his parents, especially if things grew worse ? and I scheduled an appointment for him to come back and check in with me.

But with his mother, I limited myself to one of those ?generic? comments: this is an age when he really needs you to be involved in his life, to talk about how things are going at school.

?Your role as a physician is different than your role as a mother,? Dr. Ford said. ?If you lose the trust of the kid, you?ve lost a lot; they won?t tell you what?s going on in the future, and that?s not in the best interests of the kid or the parent.?

If I had been his mother, I would have wanted to know. But I was his doctor, and he wanted it kept confidential.

Perri Klass is a professor of journalism and pediatrics at New York University. Her most recent book is the novel The Mercy Rule.

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
A Teenager?s Confidentiality

A Teenager?s Confidentiality
By John M. Grohol, Psy.D.
December 10, 2008

A thorny issue that arises time and time again occurs when a teenager undergoes treatment for a health or mental health problem. Dr. Klass discussed this problem earlier this week over at the New York Times from a medical perspective, but the same confidentiality challenges a doctor faces are also faced by therapists.

Doctors and therapists have what is called doctor-patient confidentiality ? anything told to the doctor or therapist is protected by that right. But since only adults can enter into contracts, these kinds of rights are not absolute and often are not extended automatically to teens and adolescents. There are no black and white answers, unfortunately, regarding this issue. Teenagers are right to feel uncomfortable with outright disclosure to a professional they?re uncertain they can trust.

Experts say the middle-school years are particularly challenging. ?It?s a fine balance because it?s developmentally appropriate for kids to want to develop some autonomy and it?s the time when they should be developing at least in part a private and confidential relationship with a physician,? said Dr. Carol A. Ford, director of the adolescent medicine program at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill.

?Middle school is really when you see a lot of variation in pubertal development and cognitive development and social development,? Dr. Ford went on. ?A 12-year-old who looks like an 18-year-old ? you can?t assume they think like an 18-year-old. You can?t assume their skills of negotiating the world are related to their physical maturity.?
Here?s what you can do if you?re a teen or adolescent faced with this situation, where you feel like you need to disclose something to your doctor or therapist, but are uncertain whether they will keep your information confidential.

  1. Ask the professional whether they share confidential information with your parents. Most professionals will answer with specific areas where they would be required by law to do. Some professionals may go further and tell you upfront they will share other behaviors they feel are important for your parents to know about (such as drinking or using drugs).
  2. Ask the professional what types of information they feel they would need to share with your parents. Get as specific an answer as you can from the professional, so if you tell them something they haven?t mentioned, they can?t blindside you with a disclosure you hadn?t expected.
  3. Tread gingerly with the information you share. You don?t need to blurt out everything, all at once (although that is often the human tendency to do so). Take your time, share a little, and gauge the reaction of the professional. If you feel that the information is safe with him or her, continue to share.
  4. Remember, some sensitive information may be critical to your treatment. A doctor may not be able to accurately diagnose a medical or health problem if you?re withholding an important piece of possibly-embarrassing information. A therapist also may not be able to help you much if you?re leaving out a big event or factor that might be contributing to your current feelings. You have to balance confidentiality concerns with actually getting help for your concern.
  5. Most professionals are cool with most information. Teens regularly engage in behavior that parents wouldn?t approve of if they knew ? drinking alcohol, experimenting with drugs, engaging in unsafe sex. These are not earth-shattering revelations to most professionals, who?ve heard virtually all of them before. So while it?s a huge deal to you, it may not really be as big a deal to the professional (most of whom would keep such information confidential), but may be important to helping you get treated appropriately. For instance, many medications should not be mixed with alcohol or certain drugs; failing to share such information with a doctor could result in unwanted and possibly serious side effects.
  6. Most professionals won?t judge or lecture you. A doctor or therapist is first and foremost there to help you. So while they may say a word or two about whether you?re making the best decisions in your life with certain disclosures, most will respect that you are a young adult finding your way in the world and not judge your behaviors.
Compromises are usually easy reached in these situations, as illustrated by the article:

One of my colleagues had a story: a 13-year-old girl who was drinking and stealing from her parents? liquor cabinet. ?She did admit that to me,? the pediatrician said. ?She was doing it by herself, not a good sign, not social drinking.?

The child did not want her mother to know, and the pediatrician, who had known her since infancy, negotiated a compromise: the doctor would advise the mother that the girl needed counseling, and as long as she went to counseling, and discussed the drinking and her underlying issues with the counselor, the pediatrician would not tell her mother about the liquor.
While not ideal, such a compromise maintains the client?s confidentiality while also trying to ensure she seeks help for the problem (which could be an early indicator of a serious alcohol problem).

Teenager confidentiality is an important issue, but one usually not given much thought by rushed professionals whose own parental biases might be to err on the side of disclosure. So I was glad to see this article on this often-overlooked concern.


Resident Canuck
I am sorry if this question is off topic, but what about adults who have a "lower mental compasity" (sorry if that is not a correct term to use)

During the time with my illness, there have been times where I felt I was slipping to the point where I wouldn't be able to make medical decisions on my own.

Is there a way a person, if they felt within themselves at a certian time, could revoke the doctor and patient confidentiality? and appoint someone to take care of their medical matters and make desions in their best interst for them? I am meaning in a mental compasity situation.

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
I am sorry if this question is off topic, but what about adults who have a "lower mental compasity" (sorry if that is not a correct term to use)

During the time with my illness, there have been times where I felt I was slipping to the point where I wouldn't be able to make medical decisions on my own.

Is there a way a person, if they felt within themselves at a certian time, could revoke the doctor and patient confidentiality? and appoint someone to take care of their medical matters and make desions in their best interst for them? I am meaning in a mental compasity situation.

That's really a matter of clinical assessment. If either a psychiatrist or a psychologist evaluates/assesses you as "not competent to manage your own affairs or to make rational decisions on your own behalf", then the individual will be officially declared "incompetent" (subject to review by another/other mental health professionals) and either a family member or the state will be authorized to make decisions on your behalf.


Resident Canuck
That's really a matter of clinical assessment. If either a psychiatrist or a psychologist evaluates/assesses you as "not competent to manage your own affairs or to make rational decisions on your own behalf", then the individual will be officially declared "incompetent" (subject to review by another/other mental health professionals) and either a family member or the state will be authorized to make decisions on your behalf.

Thank you Dr Baxter for answering that for me. I appologize if I went too far off topic with my question. :hide:
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