More threads by Mashka


friday i went to bed at midnight, got up at 7am, called my boss and told her i wasnt coming in, and then slept until 3 pm, so in total i had 15 hours of sleep. now im wide awake, drinking some neocitran because theres nothing else to do, and waiting for my ski trip tomorrow:jiggy:


H! Mashka, are you still awake? Is your ski trip today (Sunday) or tomorrow (Monday)? Hope you have a great time. :wave: Mari


its today (sunday) im leaving in about 3 hours:jiggy: i dont feel tired at all though! last night, maybe it was because of the pills, i started talking to people who werent there, but i thought i was right infront of them. it was really weird......i would think of a situation , like being at someones house, and i wasnt sleeping, i was thinking, and anyway i would start talking to this person (outloud) and everything was so real and i could feel the things in that place
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