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50 Signs of Mental Illness
by James Whitney Hicks, MD

50 Signs of Mental Illness starts with an indepth yet, straight forward and understandable introduction into mental illness.

The book then flows though the 50 signs in alphabetical order. At 389 pages cover to cover, this book is still not a long drawn out read. One can easily look up a particular "chapter" or symptom and easily read through.

Each "chapter" or sign of mental illness starts with an intro of sorts as to what the person with mental illness could be thinking or feeling leading up to the symptom, or during the time the symptom is happening.

There is a background of the symptoms or "signs" of mental illness and possable causes, then finishing off with ways to cope.

What I personally liked about this book is it is very easy to read and talks about symptoms and not too specifically dealing with the diagnosis. My doctors work with me this way as well.

This book helped me to become aware of my symptoms, and recognize them. With the help of my doctors too, I felt when I knew exactly what my symptoms were I could address and cope with them as such. Without letting my mind run away on me thinking I was "just going crazy."
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