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Today is free Slurpee day! lol :funky:

Whenever I do go out, if the weather is warm, preferably hot as I am cold 7/11 ;) I go get a slurpee, I actually call them slushes (I think that's a small town thing).

This may actually get me out of the house today. They are not expensive but if you go around to different 7-Elevens all day you can get a nice sugar high going on. I only feel comfortable going to the one 7-Eleven, possibly another one but it's usually busy, so I think I am limited to one or two.
Cheap thrills, literally.:teehee:

Go get your slurpee on!


Yeah they use to be called that. Then 7-Eleven called them slurpees. Wasn't there a big blue dog or something...I don't know, when I think slush puppies I think of a big blue dog in the ad.:confused:


Yes, that's one of my favorites. I can mail you one:eek:mg:
It's not looking like I am going to have one either. :rolleyes:


Your crazy!(for the lack of a better word) That would throw me into a hypothermic state! Brrrr.

I just got back from 7-Eleven. It was advertised on the radio, but I had to pay. Go figure. lol I guess the good thing is that it got me out of my apartment for about half an hour.
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