More threads by David Baxter PhD

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
A Canadian customer was calling to find out if there was a faster way to trigger menu commands than mousing up to the menus.

Agent: Certainly, sir. There are keyboard shortcuts for many of those commands. For example, suppose you want to trigger the Select All command...

Caller: Yes, I use that one all the time! How do I do it?

Agent: Well, you just press Control-A.

Caller (after a pause): Well, that's not working for me.

Agent: Do you have a text document open in front of you?

Caller: Yes, I sure do.

Agent: OK, now press Control-A.

Caller: I am, but nothing happens.

Agent: The text isn't highlighted?

Caller: No, there's no change at all.

Agent: That's odd. If you press Control-A the whole document should be highlighted. Try it again. Press Control-A. Tell me exactly what's happening.

Caller (nearing his Canadian breaking point): Listen! I'm pressing Control, eh? And nothing's happening, eh? :canadian:


Account Closed
I wasn't going to say anything about this :D. Particularly since Dr. Baxter was the one who posted it the first time...Maybe this is just part of a new venture in 'recycling' policies - Sustainable development is put into practice at Psychlinks? :)


Account Closed
...You're absolutely right - I can't keep enabling this sort of thing...It's for his own good! First we allow him to post silly jokes and now he's escalating it to posting them over and over again - this can't be good for Dr. Baxter and definitely not good for the rest of us...Next, Dr. Baxter will be thanking himself for his own threads. :lol:

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
But... that earlier post was YEARS ago... you can't expect me to remember a joke THAT long ago... :eek:

Anyway, it just confirms my motto about humor: If it's funny once, it's funny forever! :D


Well I am in the clear on this and didn't realize that it was a repeat being that the first time it was posted I was in the hospital and didn't read me this is new, thank you David :D :lol:

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Well I am in the clear on this and didn't realize that it was a repeat being that the first time it was posted I was in the hospital and didn't read me this is new, thank you David :D :lol:

Yeah, I'm pretty sure I didn't read it the first time around either...:coffee:

...or, as Larry David in Curb Your Enthusiasm would say, "I'm pretty... pretty... pretty... pretty... pretty... pretty... sure."


Resident Canuck
But... that earlier post was YEARS ago... you can't expect me to remember a joke THAT long ago... :eek:

I guess if you count months as years :lol: I guess it was last year, but..only four months ago.

December 2nd, 2008, 02:11 AM
David Baxter
Latest Blog: The Pursuit of Perfect
Join Date: Mar 2004
Canadian Tech Support

Maybe in your defence, it was 2am when you posted it.


I replied to that first one too :fool: and read this one like I never saw it before either.
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