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Hello all,
I haven't posted in a long time, I really miss this forum, but I have a question I need answered and I figured this might be a good place to start. I have no idea where else to begin my research.

I have a recurring problem that seems to be of a neurological nature. It's hard to explain but I will do my best. It's almost as if my brain "switches" left and right at times. You know when you are holding two items and you throw the wrong one in the garbage? It's like that, but on a larger scale....
I seem fairly able to adapt to it at most times, I mainly notice when I am over-tired, undernourished (I have an eating disorder), or otherwise not functioning at top capacity. But I'll be walking or typing or doing something with my hands, or even just looking at something, and suddenly I'll realize that in order to do what I want I have to tell my body the opposite of what I actually want to do. Or I'll be afraid to function at all for fear that I'll walk into a wall or hit someone in the face when I mean to wave, etc.

If this makes no sense to anybody, please let me know that. If it does make sense, please let me know that. I would love to have an idea of whether this is a figment of my imagination, just a misinterpretation of some strange side effects of one of my meds, or if it could be something more that any of you have heard of before.

Any thoughts would be of great help.

Thank you so much.
It makes sense if you are not giving the brain what it needs to function properly that it may indeed start doing mixed up things. I think talking to your doctor is a must thing here. sounds like some kind of dyslexia a form of it but that is just me guessing Call your doctor okay maybe get some test done and get a professional input here It could be just your brain is malnourished but it could be other things Best be safe and get your doctor to check into it okay.

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
I would certainly agree that requesting a referral to a neurologist should be the starting point. Also request a referral to an ophalmologist. I don't know exactly what could cause this but it's best to rule out as much as possible and seeing specialists for evaluations is the best way to do that.
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