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Hi Jonny ,
Because there is a very young defenceless child involved , the proirity is in the protection of your son , until his mother is stabilised with the appropriate meds , as she has a long history of mental disorder , it is legitimate that you ask for custody , in protection of your child and in protection of his mother against herself and any
irrepairable acts of violence she may commit whilst in a crisis . One of the conditions of shared custody could be the assurance that she seek and maintain treatment .
No child should have to live in terror of a violent parent , whatever the reason may be . By asking for custody you are doing everybody a favour , your son , your wife and yourself . if your wife seeks treatment then she has a wonderful relationship with her child to look forward to , if she doesn't then
her relationship with her child will be marred badly by the consequences of her instability .

best wishes WP


i know im doing the right thing however my wife is good at masking her illness so im not sure it will be proven by psychaitic assesment she is unwell however the reports should take into account that she has not been stable as her history sugests but all of a sudden she has become well i dont know what my chances are of winning the british family court system always sways towards the mother im pretty down about this at the moment i worry for my lad and about the future


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Hi Johnny - I'm sorry you're going through this. I don't know a lot about the British legal system, but I thought that all European communities had improved their perspective on custody of children - "best interests of the child". Maybe you could go and consult a solicitor and see where the law stands right now (if this could ease your mind a little)....

Much support Johnny - :goodluck:
Hi Jonny ,
I would think that the social services in the UK would be more vigilant these days to the cries of alarm of a worried parent , considering that there have been one or two cases recently when they were a little negligent , I am not criticising them , the same negligences have come too light in my country too.Have you contacted them ?
I would go to see a good solicitor first as Jazzey suggests .
Psyciatric health proffessionals can discern whether someone is pretending or covering up , they know the right questions to ask .


Hello Jonny,

Sorry for just skimming the replies. But sparing a personal history, I'll just cut to the chase.

Only a suggestion, but I feel most would not disagree... (David?).

Try an appointment with 3 people. One is the REALLY good doctor and not an apprentice, the other two people being yourself AND your wife. 3 people in one room and it's come to Jesus time, if you know what I mean.

Hearts and honesty being really open...? Listen to the very good doctor. But that's just my opinion Jonny for what it's worth. I really feel for your situation... disconnected, and then some. And if you feel like your hearts been ripped out... hey, your not alone.


just to inform ive lost custody of my son the courts did not listen to any evidence from my side thay took her psychiatric report at face value and it describes her as euthymic in mood i know this to be incorrect as she has visited her gp on multiple occassions for her illness i do also believe ive been informed that the psychatric report was done without consulting gp notes/evidence that will contraindicate her psychatric report . her appiontments with the psychaitrist are generally two months apart if not longer and she has managed to fool everyone she has visited the gp inbetween when feeling low and agrressive towards me im lost as to what to do now as her gp files have been effectivly closed by the court and i feel my little boy is still at risk


I think the best thing to do now is to just be a present and participating parent figure in your son's life which will allow you to ensure that he is safe, happy, and healthy. The most important thing to remember is that this is not about your ex-wife's illness, but about welfare of your son.
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