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This is probably a really dumb question, but can I put a picture from my computer onto a cd and take it to someplace like Walmart or the drugstore and get the picture printed there? :cat:


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Not a dumb question at all. Unfortunately I don't have the answer. You may try giving them a call and asking them if they would do that for you.

Worth a try. :)
yes :)

you can also upload the picture to their website when a company does printing of digital photos. you could try going to their website and see what they've got. that would save you from having to bring a cd over. but if you prefer to bring the cd, you can do that too.
Thanks. :)

I wish I could upload to some site, but I'm on dialup and it would take too long. Thanks again for the information.
Depending on the amount of pictures and the size. I wonder if the stores uses diskettes because you could put one on a diskette and bring it to the store. You can always call the store and say "I have a picture on my computer which way could I have it develop in your store?"

Janet ,, I usually go to the picture I want to send to cd , right click and you get a menu box then find SEND TO click on that and send it to the media you want it on, and it should transferr it for you, you should get a ballon type message on the right hand side of your screen at the bottom just click on that and do as it says,, make sure you have a cd in the drive you send it too! I'm assumming you have Windows xp not sure for other systems.


Yes you can do it on a CD, and some companies offer the option to send it over the internet and you just have to picket it up and pay the next day. If you plan to do this often, you might want to get a USB memory key as it is re-usable as opposed to a CD were you can write to it once and then that's it. I personally prefer to do it online. I find the least expensive for me is Costco.

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