Humans and other conscious beings have sensations of highly-general
abstract perceptions of reality, of which different ones strongly contradict
each other. Such abstract perceptions constitute the core of a person's
character, and differ little throughout their life, due to being mostly genetic
in their cause. Such general abstract perceptions are also the cause of
goodwill (defined here as the desire to perceive and act rightly) and malice
(defined here as the desire to perceive and act wrongly). In some people,
such general abstract perceptions are stronger than in others, and people
that have weak general abstract perceptions can be described as having
'neutral character'. People that have a strong general abstract perception
of one type and a weak or absent general abstract perception of the
opposite type can be described as having 'polar character'.
The character trait of perfectionism has the effect of purifying one's
general abstract perception, such that a person's weaker general abstract
perceptions are suppressed by the stronger ones that work in opposition
to them. A great lack of perfectionism constitutes the opposite character
trait, sleaziness. Perfectionism combined with a strong general abstract
perception creates the character trait of idealism, in which a person
desires to impose the abstract traits that they desire onto their
environment on a large scale, and are bothered when that is not the case.
That is one of the 2 causes of political conflicts, the other being personal
People desire to perceive rightly by having a general abstract perception
of fine clarity, whereas people desire to perceive wrongly by having a
general abstract perception of crude blindness. The general abstract
perceptions of fineness and crudeness each consist of 2 multiplicative
factors. The 2 factors of fineness are subtlety and definition, and the 2
corresponding opposite factors of malice, respectively, are forcefulness
and seepingness (which might also be called 'sloppiness' for the sake of
sounding less awkward, but that sounds too much like sleaziness, which it
is not to be confused with). To illustrate the multiplicative nature of the 2
factors of fineness and crudeness: In pixelized pictures, the 2 factors of
subtlety and definition correspond to the variety of shades and hues and
the smallness of the pixels, respectively, the combination of which
constitutes fine resolution. However, general abstract clarity and blindness
apply mostly to fundamental concepts, as opposed to such sensory
Those 4 fundamental abstract properties of general perception manifest
themselves in many different psychological traits, which are: facial
expression*1, tone of voice (which is caused by the muscular formation
of the cavity of the back of the mouth), visual and audio preferences,
preferred physical traits (and especially facial traits) in mates, ones own
physical (and especially facial) traits to a lesser extent (due to gene
mixing), methods of argument, type of aggression (if any), fundamental
beliefs, degree of empathy or lack thereof, political ideals (which are the
direct result of empathy or lack thereof), and other traits. The study of the
parallel manifestations of such abstract properties in various psychological
traits may be called 'abstract spatial psychology'. One of the 2 factors of
crude blindness can combine with the factor of fine clarity that it does not
contradict, such that a person can be partially goodwilled and partially
malicious, and perfectionisticly so. The result of that is that there are 4
extreme types of general abstract perception, which are:
1. forceful/seeping, 2. forceful/defined, 3. subtle/seeping, and
4. subtle/defined; and those extreme types can constitute the corners of a
2-dimensional graph of a person's general abstract perception, which has
a forceful-subtle axis and a defined-seeping axis.
*1: note that other emotions create facial expressions that have some
similarity to those of the general abstract perceptions; do not confuse
The following are the manifestations of the abstract perceptual properties
of people of the 4 types in various psychological traits:
forceful/seeping (fully malicious):
COMMON FACIAL EXPRESSION: facial expression is most widened
of the types; eyebrows are broadly heightened, upper eyelids are raised,
lips are widened in both dimensions, lower eyelids are likely to be raised
back-of-mouth cavity is largest of the types; back of the tongue is pushed
forward and lowered, throat at the top back of the mouth is widened
DUE TO GENE MIXING): absence of geometrical forms and form in
general, bulging / lack of indentations/convolutions, facial features that are
conducive to enhancing one's own characteristic facial expression*2
VISUAL PREFERENCE: formlessness and bright colors, lack of
textures or fractals
AUDIO PREFERENCE: little note structure or variation, like a 'loud
METHOD OF ARGUING: has a particular affinity for
ambiguously-stated deceptions, deprecates opponents and their
arguments so as to avoid logic, makes up lies and misinterpretations to
portray one's opponents as much worse than they are, states the opposite
of the truth and projects their own traits onto others, plays dumb, asks
questions that have already been answered or have obvious answers,
falsely portrays objective facts as personal subjectivities, uses the power
of suggestion on one's opponents, falsely portrays subtle/defined traits as
forceful/seeping forceful/defined or subtle/seeping traits
TYPE OF AGGRESSION: fanatical aggression (aggression that is
simultaneously intimidating and antagonistic)
FUNDAMENTAL BELIEFS: blind to both abstract concepts and logical
structure; both pseudo-openminded and pseudoskeptical
DEGREE OF EMPATHY: blind to empathy with both the weak/unlucky
and victims
POLITICAL IDEALS: idealizes the forced extensive laborious symbolic
servitude of symbolic entitie(s), in which those that do so are rewarded
and those that do not are punished; serves the symbolic
forceful/defined (half-malicious half-goodwilled):
COMMON FACIAL EXPRESSION: outer eyebrow is heightened,
upper eyelid is heightened, upper lip is lifted
back-of-mouth cavity is shortened and heightened; back of the tongue is
pulled back and lowered, throat at the top back of the mouth is widened
DUE TO GENE MIXING): presence of geometrical forms and form in
general, bulging / lack of indentations/convolutions, facial features that are
conducive to enhancing one's own characteristic facial expression*2
VISUAL PREFERENCE: geometrical forms and other organization, little
variation, sharp contrasting bright colors, lack of textures or fractals
AUDIO PREFERENCE: structured noteforms with little variation
METHOD OF ARGUING: deprecates opponents and their arguments so
as to avoid logic, makes up lies and misinterpretations to portray one's
opponents as much worse than they are, states the opposite of the truth
and projects their own traits onto others, falsely portrays subtle/defined
traits as forceful/seeping or subtle/seeping traits
TYPE OF AGGRESSION: intimidating aggression
FUNDAMENTAL BELIEFS: blind to abstract concepts, but not blind to
logical structure; pseudoskeptical
DEGREE OF EMPATHY: blind to empathy with the weak/unlucky, but
not blind to empathy with victims (except when the victims are
POLITICAL IDEALS: idealizes the arbitrary chaotic brutalization of the
weak/unlucky; serves the lucky/powerful
subtle/seeping (half-malicious half-goodwilled):
COMMON FACIAL EXPRESSION: eyebrows and especially the inner
portion thereof are raised, upper eyelids are relaxed, lips are horizontally
widened, lower eyelids are likely to be raised
back-of-mouth cavity is lengthened and flattened; back of the tongue is
pushed forward, throat at the top back of the mouth is constricted
DUE TO GENE MIXING): absence of geometrical forms and form in
general, presence of indentations/convolutions, facial features that are
conducive to enhancing one's own characteristic facial expression*2
VISUAL PREFERENCE: formlessness with subtle variations in shade
and color, lack of textures or fractals
AUDIO PREFERENCE: lack of note structure, high variation
METHOD OF ARGUING: plays dumb, asks questions that have already
been answered or have obvious answers, falsely portrays objective facts
as personal subjectivities, uses the power of suggestion on one's
opponents, falsely portrays subtle/defined traits as forceful/seeping or
forceful/defined traits
TYPE OF AGGRESSION: antagonistic aggression
FUNDAMENTAL BELIEFS: blind to logical structure, but not blind to
abstract concepts; pseudo-openminded
DEGREE OF EMPATHY: blind to empathy with victims, but not blind to
empathy with the weak/unlucky (except when the weak/unlucky are
POLITICAL IDEALS: idealizes the disruption of any kind of definitive
problem-solving; serves the burdensome
subtle/defined (fully goodwilled):
COMMON FACIAL EXPRESSION: facial expression is most
constricted of the types; eyebrows are scrunched and lowered, eyelids
are squinted, mouth is unwidened
back-of-mouth cavity is most constricted; back of the tongue is pulled
back, throat at the top back of the mouth is constricted
DUE TO GENE MIXING): presence of geometrical forms and form in
general, presence of indentations/convolutions, facial features that are
conducive to enhancing one's own characteristic facial expression*2
VISUAL PREFERENCE: geometrical forms and other organization, high
variation, fractals, textures
AUDIO PREFERENCE: structured noteforms with high variation
METHOD OF ARGUING: honestly analyses; does not deceive
FUNDAMENTAL BELIEFS: blind to neither abstract concepts nor
logical structure; genuinely openminded and genuinely skeptical
DEGREE OF EMPATHY: has empathy with all
POLITICAL IDEALS: idealizes justice, that all conscious beings get as
they give, without bias for or against any specific people or other beings;
serves the good of the whole
*2: Correlations between general abstract perception and physical
features are significantly stronger, on the average, in people of idealistic
polar character than in people of neutral character. There are several
different perceived progressions of direction in the human face, and those
perceived progressions effect the preferences of attractiveness of the
different general abstract perceptions. In all of such perceived
progressions, there is an earlier part and a latter part. The human brain has
a hardwired concept of an 'average face', and the size of those parts
relative to those of the conceived average face is related to their
attractiveness to the different general abstract perceptions. The earlier
part of the progressions is related to the forcefulness-subtlety axis, such
that forceful perception causes a preference for such regions to be
expanded and subtle perception causes a preference for such regions to
be shrunken. The latter part of the progressions is related to the
seepingness-definition axis, such that seeping perception causes a
preference for such regions to be expanded and defined perception
causes a preference for such regions to be shrunken. Such features are of
course static, but facial expressions, which are dynamic, have the same
effect. The different perceived progressions can overlap somewhat. To
be specific, the different main perceived progressions are: 1. from the
outer eyebrow to the inner eyebrow (perceived expansion here consists
of the heightening of the eyebrows), 2. from the eyes (perceived
expansion here consists of the shallowness of the eyes in the skull)
upward to the eyebrows, 3. from the back of the face (jaw, eyebrows,
bone beneath the eyebrows, and other facial bones) to the front of the
face (eyes (perceived expansion here consists of the shallowness of the
eyes in the skull), lips (perceived expansion here consists of the
heightening and widening of the lips), and lower cheeks). Notice that the
trait of how shallow-set the eyes are overlaps both progressions #2 and
#3, such that it can be interpreted either or both ways.
An act of aggression is an act of intentionally disrupting fine clarity in any
of it's various manifestations (such as socially-beneficial truths or orderly,
mutually-beneficial civilization). The facial expressions and tones of voice
that characterize malice exert the effect in people that perceive them of
disrupting and frustrating fine/clear focus and any pleasure that is derived
from it. People of malicious temperament are instinctively aware of that
fact and widely display those expressions for that purpose, even using all
of the large-scale media outlets to that end, such that doing so constitutes
an act of aggression. There are certain companies that particularly stand
out for that behavior. Mockingbirds also exhibit that behavior by using a
loud crude/blind tone of voice (particularly in a characteristic 'hweEE'
call), especially during the night, the darkness of which is characterized by
the abstract property of fineness.
Due to the extreme social destructivity of malice, it is appropriate that
malicious temperament be classified as a personality disorder, called
'malicious personality disorder'. Malicious personality disorder can be
further subclassified by the specific types of aggression, such that there is
'fanatical personality disorder', 'intimidating personality disorder', and
'antagonistic personality disorder', as described in the lists of traits above.
Some personality disorders are characterized by certain malicious traits
(most often short-sighted, unintelligent manifestations of malice) as well as
non-malicious traits that are grouped with them. As those popular
classifications stand, they are arbitrary and superficial groupings of
behaviors that do not characterize psychological malice itself as the
disorder, so these new terms are superior. To demonstrate the extremity
of the social destructivity of malice: malicious people, and especially
fanatical people specificly, have even established themselves in large
numbers within the academic psychological community itself, the power
of which they have abused to characterize the people that oppose their
malice as having personality disorders. That is exemplified most by the
so-called 'schizoid personality disorder', which basicly describes people
that think and act independently, due to the absence of emotional social
dependence. Emotional social dependence is one of the largest, if not the
single largest, medium through which people of malicious temperament
exert their malice, so malicious people sometimes get rather upset by
people that do not have emotional social dependence. Such so-called
schizoid people are even said to 'often view themselves as being
persecuted', so as to preemptively discredit their reports of persecution,
and thus allow people of malicious personality disorder to persecute them
at will with much less chance of being held accountable. Even the name
'schizoid' itself implies being semi-schizophrenic, which is obviously not
the case. The accurate psychological term for so-called schizoid people is
'emotionally independent character'. Malicious people in the psychological
community also make the gross false association between minors that
victimize others with malice and minors that oppose being victimized by
the malice of their parents and/or other authorities. Yet an other such
deception is the deception that empathy is caused by social emotional
dependence and/or antagonistic aggression (which disrupts empathy with
victims), and in turn that MDMA (which usually causes antagonistic
aggression in it's users) creates empathy, meaning that people that lack
social emotional dependence and/or antagonistic aggression lack empathy.
As laughably transparent as those deceptions may be, they are real and
not fiction, so they are in fact a very serious matter.
The above information has obvious applications. One application is to
identify certain traits of a person without perceiving them directly, due to
extrapolating them from other traits. A second application is to form
political alliances based on common general perceptual type, so as to
take positions on many different issues and to eliminate the vast majority
of internal conflicts that often occur in motley political organizations. A
third application is to alter the environments of developing children
(especially those below 5 years of age), such that they are constantly
exposed to environmental elements that possess certain abstract
properties, and constantly deprived of exposure to environmental
elements that possess the opposing abstract properties, so as to
selectively develop (via the neural process of kindling) certain abstract
perceptions while degrading the opposing ones, respectively.
Trait correlation data were collected from several different sources,
including in-person observations, non-fiction television, printed media, and
the internet. Trait correlations were observed and recorded in many
dozens of people, and common abstract properties of directly correlated
traits were noted, followed by chronic observation of those correlations
to be confirmed or disproven. Data collection was thorough and
non-selective, so as to eliminate any possibility of observation bias.
To give more detail of the methods of identifying the correlations, most of
the methods that I have used are as follows:
1. in person, in printed media, and on the internet, probing correlations
between methods of argument and fundamental beliefs and political ideals
by taking various sides in debates of fundamental beliefs and political
ideals (in person and on the internet only), and searching through internet
debate records and reading political or belief-related monolog (printed
media and internet only); in person, this also allows for the observation of
facial expressions, types of aggression, tones of voice, physical traits, and
sometimes small-scale (non-political) empathy or lack thereof
2. in person and in non-fiction television, observing (passively or
interactively, the latter obviously only in person) correlations between
facial expressions, tones of voice, methods of argument, types of
aggression, physical traits, small-scale empathy or lack thereof, and
sometimes fundamental beliefs and/or political ideals
3. observing correlations in fiction and non-fiction movies, television, and
internet displays between the displayed visual forms, audio forms, human
physical forms, facial expressions, tones of voice, and whether goodwilled
or malicious acts are glorified or decried
abstract perceptions of reality, of which different ones strongly contradict
each other. Such abstract perceptions constitute the core of a person's
character, and differ little throughout their life, due to being mostly genetic
in their cause. Such general abstract perceptions are also the cause of
goodwill (defined here as the desire to perceive and act rightly) and malice
(defined here as the desire to perceive and act wrongly). In some people,
such general abstract perceptions are stronger than in others, and people
that have weak general abstract perceptions can be described as having
'neutral character'. People that have a strong general abstract perception
of one type and a weak or absent general abstract perception of the
opposite type can be described as having 'polar character'.
The character trait of perfectionism has the effect of purifying one's
general abstract perception, such that a person's weaker general abstract
perceptions are suppressed by the stronger ones that work in opposition
to them. A great lack of perfectionism constitutes the opposite character
trait, sleaziness. Perfectionism combined with a strong general abstract
perception creates the character trait of idealism, in which a person
desires to impose the abstract traits that they desire onto their
environment on a large scale, and are bothered when that is not the case.
That is one of the 2 causes of political conflicts, the other being personal
People desire to perceive rightly by having a general abstract perception
of fine clarity, whereas people desire to perceive wrongly by having a
general abstract perception of crude blindness. The general abstract
perceptions of fineness and crudeness each consist of 2 multiplicative
factors. The 2 factors of fineness are subtlety and definition, and the 2
corresponding opposite factors of malice, respectively, are forcefulness
and seepingness (which might also be called 'sloppiness' for the sake of
sounding less awkward, but that sounds too much like sleaziness, which it
is not to be confused with). To illustrate the multiplicative nature of the 2
factors of fineness and crudeness: In pixelized pictures, the 2 factors of
subtlety and definition correspond to the variety of shades and hues and
the smallness of the pixels, respectively, the combination of which
constitutes fine resolution. However, general abstract clarity and blindness
apply mostly to fundamental concepts, as opposed to such sensory
Those 4 fundamental abstract properties of general perception manifest
themselves in many different psychological traits, which are: facial
expression*1, tone of voice (which is caused by the muscular formation
of the cavity of the back of the mouth), visual and audio preferences,
preferred physical traits (and especially facial traits) in mates, ones own
physical (and especially facial) traits to a lesser extent (due to gene
mixing), methods of argument, type of aggression (if any), fundamental
beliefs, degree of empathy or lack thereof, political ideals (which are the
direct result of empathy or lack thereof), and other traits. The study of the
parallel manifestations of such abstract properties in various psychological
traits may be called 'abstract spatial psychology'. One of the 2 factors of
crude blindness can combine with the factor of fine clarity that it does not
contradict, such that a person can be partially goodwilled and partially
malicious, and perfectionisticly so. The result of that is that there are 4
extreme types of general abstract perception, which are:
1. forceful/seeping, 2. forceful/defined, 3. subtle/seeping, and
4. subtle/defined; and those extreme types can constitute the corners of a
2-dimensional graph of a person's general abstract perception, which has
a forceful-subtle axis and a defined-seeping axis.
*1: note that other emotions create facial expressions that have some
similarity to those of the general abstract perceptions; do not confuse
The following are the manifestations of the abstract perceptual properties
of people of the 4 types in various psychological traits:
forceful/seeping (fully malicious):
COMMON FACIAL EXPRESSION: facial expression is most widened
of the types; eyebrows are broadly heightened, upper eyelids are raised,
lips are widened in both dimensions, lower eyelids are likely to be raised
back-of-mouth cavity is largest of the types; back of the tongue is pushed
forward and lowered, throat at the top back of the mouth is widened
DUE TO GENE MIXING): absence of geometrical forms and form in
general, bulging / lack of indentations/convolutions, facial features that are
conducive to enhancing one's own characteristic facial expression*2
VISUAL PREFERENCE: formlessness and bright colors, lack of
textures or fractals
AUDIO PREFERENCE: little note structure or variation, like a 'loud
METHOD OF ARGUING: has a particular affinity for
ambiguously-stated deceptions, deprecates opponents and their
arguments so as to avoid logic, makes up lies and misinterpretations to
portray one's opponents as much worse than they are, states the opposite
of the truth and projects their own traits onto others, plays dumb, asks
questions that have already been answered or have obvious answers,
falsely portrays objective facts as personal subjectivities, uses the power
of suggestion on one's opponents, falsely portrays subtle/defined traits as
forceful/seeping forceful/defined or subtle/seeping traits
TYPE OF AGGRESSION: fanatical aggression (aggression that is
simultaneously intimidating and antagonistic)
FUNDAMENTAL BELIEFS: blind to both abstract concepts and logical
structure; both pseudo-openminded and pseudoskeptical
DEGREE OF EMPATHY: blind to empathy with both the weak/unlucky
and victims
POLITICAL IDEALS: idealizes the forced extensive laborious symbolic
servitude of symbolic entitie(s), in which those that do so are rewarded
and those that do not are punished; serves the symbolic
forceful/defined (half-malicious half-goodwilled):
COMMON FACIAL EXPRESSION: outer eyebrow is heightened,
upper eyelid is heightened, upper lip is lifted
back-of-mouth cavity is shortened and heightened; back of the tongue is
pulled back and lowered, throat at the top back of the mouth is widened
DUE TO GENE MIXING): presence of geometrical forms and form in
general, bulging / lack of indentations/convolutions, facial features that are
conducive to enhancing one's own characteristic facial expression*2
VISUAL PREFERENCE: geometrical forms and other organization, little
variation, sharp contrasting bright colors, lack of textures or fractals
AUDIO PREFERENCE: structured noteforms with little variation
METHOD OF ARGUING: deprecates opponents and their arguments so
as to avoid logic, makes up lies and misinterpretations to portray one's
opponents as much worse than they are, states the opposite of the truth
and projects their own traits onto others, falsely portrays subtle/defined
traits as forceful/seeping or subtle/seeping traits
TYPE OF AGGRESSION: intimidating aggression
FUNDAMENTAL BELIEFS: blind to abstract concepts, but not blind to
logical structure; pseudoskeptical
DEGREE OF EMPATHY: blind to empathy with the weak/unlucky, but
not blind to empathy with victims (except when the victims are
POLITICAL IDEALS: idealizes the arbitrary chaotic brutalization of the
weak/unlucky; serves the lucky/powerful
subtle/seeping (half-malicious half-goodwilled):
COMMON FACIAL EXPRESSION: eyebrows and especially the inner
portion thereof are raised, upper eyelids are relaxed, lips are horizontally
widened, lower eyelids are likely to be raised
back-of-mouth cavity is lengthened and flattened; back of the tongue is
pushed forward, throat at the top back of the mouth is constricted
DUE TO GENE MIXING): absence of geometrical forms and form in
general, presence of indentations/convolutions, facial features that are
conducive to enhancing one's own characteristic facial expression*2
VISUAL PREFERENCE: formlessness with subtle variations in shade
and color, lack of textures or fractals
AUDIO PREFERENCE: lack of note structure, high variation
METHOD OF ARGUING: plays dumb, asks questions that have already
been answered or have obvious answers, falsely portrays objective facts
as personal subjectivities, uses the power of suggestion on one's
opponents, falsely portrays subtle/defined traits as forceful/seeping or
forceful/defined traits
TYPE OF AGGRESSION: antagonistic aggression
FUNDAMENTAL BELIEFS: blind to logical structure, but not blind to
abstract concepts; pseudo-openminded
DEGREE OF EMPATHY: blind to empathy with victims, but not blind to
empathy with the weak/unlucky (except when the weak/unlucky are
POLITICAL IDEALS: idealizes the disruption of any kind of definitive
problem-solving; serves the burdensome
subtle/defined (fully goodwilled):
COMMON FACIAL EXPRESSION: facial expression is most
constricted of the types; eyebrows are scrunched and lowered, eyelids
are squinted, mouth is unwidened
back-of-mouth cavity is most constricted; back of the tongue is pulled
back, throat at the top back of the mouth is constricted
DUE TO GENE MIXING): presence of geometrical forms and form in
general, presence of indentations/convolutions, facial features that are
conducive to enhancing one's own characteristic facial expression*2
VISUAL PREFERENCE: geometrical forms and other organization, high
variation, fractals, textures
AUDIO PREFERENCE: structured noteforms with high variation
METHOD OF ARGUING: honestly analyses; does not deceive
FUNDAMENTAL BELIEFS: blind to neither abstract concepts nor
logical structure; genuinely openminded and genuinely skeptical
DEGREE OF EMPATHY: has empathy with all
POLITICAL IDEALS: idealizes justice, that all conscious beings get as
they give, without bias for or against any specific people or other beings;
serves the good of the whole
*2: Correlations between general abstract perception and physical
features are significantly stronger, on the average, in people of idealistic
polar character than in people of neutral character. There are several
different perceived progressions of direction in the human face, and those
perceived progressions effect the preferences of attractiveness of the
different general abstract perceptions. In all of such perceived
progressions, there is an earlier part and a latter part. The human brain has
a hardwired concept of an 'average face', and the size of those parts
relative to those of the conceived average face is related to their
attractiveness to the different general abstract perceptions. The earlier
part of the progressions is related to the forcefulness-subtlety axis, such
that forceful perception causes a preference for such regions to be
expanded and subtle perception causes a preference for such regions to
be shrunken. The latter part of the progressions is related to the
seepingness-definition axis, such that seeping perception causes a
preference for such regions to be expanded and defined perception
causes a preference for such regions to be shrunken. Such features are of
course static, but facial expressions, which are dynamic, have the same
effect. The different perceived progressions can overlap somewhat. To
be specific, the different main perceived progressions are: 1. from the
outer eyebrow to the inner eyebrow (perceived expansion here consists
of the heightening of the eyebrows), 2. from the eyes (perceived
expansion here consists of the shallowness of the eyes in the skull)
upward to the eyebrows, 3. from the back of the face (jaw, eyebrows,
bone beneath the eyebrows, and other facial bones) to the front of the
face (eyes (perceived expansion here consists of the shallowness of the
eyes in the skull), lips (perceived expansion here consists of the
heightening and widening of the lips), and lower cheeks). Notice that the
trait of how shallow-set the eyes are overlaps both progressions #2 and
#3, such that it can be interpreted either or both ways.
An act of aggression is an act of intentionally disrupting fine clarity in any
of it's various manifestations (such as socially-beneficial truths or orderly,
mutually-beneficial civilization). The facial expressions and tones of voice
that characterize malice exert the effect in people that perceive them of
disrupting and frustrating fine/clear focus and any pleasure that is derived
from it. People of malicious temperament are instinctively aware of that
fact and widely display those expressions for that purpose, even using all
of the large-scale media outlets to that end, such that doing so constitutes
an act of aggression. There are certain companies that particularly stand
out for that behavior. Mockingbirds also exhibit that behavior by using a
loud crude/blind tone of voice (particularly in a characteristic 'hweEE'
call), especially during the night, the darkness of which is characterized by
the abstract property of fineness.
Due to the extreme social destructivity of malice, it is appropriate that
malicious temperament be classified as a personality disorder, called
'malicious personality disorder'. Malicious personality disorder can be
further subclassified by the specific types of aggression, such that there is
'fanatical personality disorder', 'intimidating personality disorder', and
'antagonistic personality disorder', as described in the lists of traits above.
Some personality disorders are characterized by certain malicious traits
(most often short-sighted, unintelligent manifestations of malice) as well as
non-malicious traits that are grouped with them. As those popular
classifications stand, they are arbitrary and superficial groupings of
behaviors that do not characterize psychological malice itself as the
disorder, so these new terms are superior. To demonstrate the extremity
of the social destructivity of malice: malicious people, and especially
fanatical people specificly, have even established themselves in large
numbers within the academic psychological community itself, the power
of which they have abused to characterize the people that oppose their
malice as having personality disorders. That is exemplified most by the
so-called 'schizoid personality disorder', which basicly describes people
that think and act independently, due to the absence of emotional social
dependence. Emotional social dependence is one of the largest, if not the
single largest, medium through which people of malicious temperament
exert their malice, so malicious people sometimes get rather upset by
people that do not have emotional social dependence. Such so-called
schizoid people are even said to 'often view themselves as being
persecuted', so as to preemptively discredit their reports of persecution,
and thus allow people of malicious personality disorder to persecute them
at will with much less chance of being held accountable. Even the name
'schizoid' itself implies being semi-schizophrenic, which is obviously not
the case. The accurate psychological term for so-called schizoid people is
'emotionally independent character'. Malicious people in the psychological
community also make the gross false association between minors that
victimize others with malice and minors that oppose being victimized by
the malice of their parents and/or other authorities. Yet an other such
deception is the deception that empathy is caused by social emotional
dependence and/or antagonistic aggression (which disrupts empathy with
victims), and in turn that MDMA (which usually causes antagonistic
aggression in it's users) creates empathy, meaning that people that lack
social emotional dependence and/or antagonistic aggression lack empathy.
As laughably transparent as those deceptions may be, they are real and
not fiction, so they are in fact a very serious matter.
The above information has obvious applications. One application is to
identify certain traits of a person without perceiving them directly, due to
extrapolating them from other traits. A second application is to form
political alliances based on common general perceptual type, so as to
take positions on many different issues and to eliminate the vast majority
of internal conflicts that often occur in motley political organizations. A
third application is to alter the environments of developing children
(especially those below 5 years of age), such that they are constantly
exposed to environmental elements that possess certain abstract
properties, and constantly deprived of exposure to environmental
elements that possess the opposing abstract properties, so as to
selectively develop (via the neural process of kindling) certain abstract
perceptions while degrading the opposing ones, respectively.
Trait correlation data were collected from several different sources,
including in-person observations, non-fiction television, printed media, and
the internet. Trait correlations were observed and recorded in many
dozens of people, and common abstract properties of directly correlated
traits were noted, followed by chronic observation of those correlations
to be confirmed or disproven. Data collection was thorough and
non-selective, so as to eliminate any possibility of observation bias.
To give more detail of the methods of identifying the correlations, most of
the methods that I have used are as follows:
1. in person, in printed media, and on the internet, probing correlations
between methods of argument and fundamental beliefs and political ideals
by taking various sides in debates of fundamental beliefs and political
ideals (in person and on the internet only), and searching through internet
debate records and reading political or belief-related monolog (printed
media and internet only); in person, this also allows for the observation of
facial expressions, types of aggression, tones of voice, physical traits, and
sometimes small-scale (non-political) empathy or lack thereof
2. in person and in non-fiction television, observing (passively or
interactively, the latter obviously only in person) correlations between
facial expressions, tones of voice, methods of argument, types of
aggression, physical traits, small-scale empathy or lack thereof, and
sometimes fundamental beliefs and/or political ideals
3. observing correlations in fiction and non-fiction movies, television, and
internet displays between the displayed visual forms, audio forms, human
physical forms, facial expressions, tones of voice, and whether goodwilled
or malicious acts are glorified or decried