I think that's true of most of the "tests" of this type found on the internet. I always view them with a raised eyebrow, since they're far too generic, in most cases, to warrant more. I look at them as more for fun than anything else, and don't believe they should be taken all that seriously unless one is having real problems in one's life. Then, one should see a doctor for a diagnosis anyway.
If the ability to multi-task indicates AD/HD and we are required to be able to do so at work, should we not be able to lobby for higher pay because of our special abilities? Just a random thought in a vortex of random thoughts. Joe Isuzu
Well, yeah. If you can do that well, you deserve a pay raise, as long as you're not doing the jobs of two or three other people simultaneously, thus engendering bad feelings.
Seriously, though, I actually went to an interview recently where the employer stipulated that we were *not* permitted to multi-task, because he believed that those who multi-task make more mistakes than people who focus on doing only one thing at a time. Good thing for me, too, because I've never been able to multi-task.
A few weeks ago, while I was focusing on a conversation with my landlady, I ripped an $800 check in two, and threw it into the waistbasket. This preceded a lengthy period of looking for the check until she (not I) found it in the trash, and I was then able to pay my rent.
Also, whenever I've had a piano job, people often approach me for conversation while I'm playing, and it soon becomes evident that I can't talk and play the piano at the same time. One of the activities suffers, although I play the piano fairly well while I'm not talking; and I can talk all right if I'm not playing the piano.
Between the two, I've noticed that more people appreciate my piano playing than they do my talking, but I suppose that's neither here nor there. :jiggy:
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