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MVP, Forum Supporter
Some recent stuff, and the therapy work on it, has been tougher than the work I've done previously - at least, the way I'm experiencing it seems tougher.

The time after the session, especially afterward on the same day, has been hard.

It is usually just thinking over what was discussed (a LOT) and feeling the feelings coming up, some crying, etc.

Would you usually consider this to be just healthy feeling / processing of emotions, and simply something that has to be accepted?

Any thoughts on how long the hardest time after the session should last? (I tend to feel and process emotions long-ly and slowly; I don't know whether there is some sort of guideline on what the expectation should be for someone like me.)

What do you find helpful in coping with this time and moving through it?

Or is it best to simply experience this time as organically as possible, and let it be just as it is, and allow yourself a good chunk of 'unproductive' time?

What have your therapist/s suggested or told you about these times?


I don't really think there's any guidelines or anything since everyone is different.

Sometimes I still have a rough time after sessions,even after almost 5 years of therapy..When I do( like today),I just kind of take it easy and have a lazy day to let myself absorb it all and feel whatever way I feel.

I like to journal what I'm thinking and feeling,and I also like to draw on days like this.Doing anything relaxing helps.I used to try to avoid thinking and feeling afterwards but I have found its just best to go with it and let myself because its there anyway and I can process it faster if I don't fight it.I have to have a lazy day though,and not have any major responsibilities or anything so I can just let my mind do what it needs to do.

Sometimes it takes a week or even longer for me to feel okay again,but I am in trauma therapy so I don't know if that makes a difference or not.Sometimes I'm fine afterwards,it depends on what I have talked about.

Even though its hard,I think it means therapy is working since you feel the way you do.
after intense therapy feels like the body just wants to crash shut down initially If i can get out of days routine i go to sleep as i am totally drained
I think your body lets you know what is needed at the time. Tears anger come up later in the day and i too have to journal i guess it is

Just let all the words that are inside my brain come out i just write and write and write even if it does not make sense what ever wants to come out does in print form on computer emotions come out then the most and then at the end of it all i erase everything as if to say there it is done now no need to go on about it again and again
After doing this i am drained yet again so if i can i lie down a bit before getting on with days routine sometimes that rountine has to take second to what is happening.

The going over and over in ones brain after intense therapy i think is normal our mind is trying to understand or rationalize all what has been said and heard

I agree that everyone is different so there is no right way or wrong way as long as you can stay grounded to present time and if not then you need to tell therapist what is happening and perhaps therapist can take more time at end of session to ground you more

I think feeling what ever it is that comes up from session is important and i also think if possible that allowing yourself recovery time to take care of YOU is important being time on your own and resting or being with others that you trust and talking may help too

Maybe you and therapist can come up with a plan if things come too overwhelming afterwards like a quick phone call or other means to just reassure you about what is happening hope i am making some sense

taking care of YOU is what matters the most so anything else will have to wait until you feel stronger
One of the ways that my therapist helped me not to be so overwhelmed was to take a break during the session and talk about something light or mundane. If my situation gets too chaotic and I need to talk, my therapist is available by phone. Like others who have shared here, I also write and share my writings with my therapist. This has helped tremendously.
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