More threads by David Baxter PhD

Daniel E.
She obviously wasn't flying to need to get upset about missing an Air Canada flight :)


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I've done that...except I usually do this at security clearance when and where I'm searched for the umpteenth time because they don't like the kind of salesmen bags I carry for my work. :D And Daniel, I do this ONLY for Canadian flights! :D

If Canadian airlines do this to me, can't imagine what the americans would do to me or my bags! :lol: Send me somewhere? Free trip?


I'm feeling a bit defensive tonight, and since this isn't in "Just for Fun" I'm going to throw out there what came to mind when I saw this...

When I worked at the airport, it was very common for people to be rushing against time, trying to get to a loved one's bedside before they died. That's what I immediately thought of when I saw this...that missing the flight could mean not being with a loved one at their time of death...and the agony, grief, and rage that it can cause.

Anyway, just a different perspective on what is probably supposed to be an amusing thread...

Daniel E.
They did. She was going to San Francisco, so she accepted the airline's offer of a flight to LA.


Perhaps that's true, but airlines are usually accommodating for berevement cases. Even if she missed her flight, someone at the airline should have been aware of her situation and cause of her distress (in theory).

And the poor woman wasn't exactly doing the "My Mama's Dying Hospital Hustle," as my ex-husband, the mortician, used to say. Gosh, that may be insensitive to mention--yet I've hustled that way, and so has he.

But there's black (occupational) humor for you; who knows what the real story is. You are right in pointing out that things are not always as humorous as they appear.

Which is why I never let my ex bring his work home. OKAY...just kidding. Like we had the space. <Sorry>
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