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I just saw my doc a few days ago about what he called "breakthrough" manic symptoms, starting in January. I am having trouble sleeping, irritable/euphoric, racing thoughts, amped up...annoying and arguing with everyone :-D...very motivated, hallucinated once: children playing (auditory), anxiety when irritable...etc. This is the least manic I have ever been though and I told him that.

Anyway he prescribed ambien to see if helping me sleep could bring me down...and also 1800mg of lithium now. I decided not to try the ambien because I know of somebody in the family who was sleepwalking and doing weird stuff even eating in her sleep! I am afraid of doing some crazy **** while sleeping!!! :eek: I really would like to try that but it freaks me the **** out!

This is the 2nd day of 1800mg and I feel queasy after my morning dose and had to slow down on the treadmill at the gym and that sucks. I feel like its going to kick my ass.

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Make certain that your doctor knows about the nausea. It may go away after a while.

As for the Ambien, the fact that your relatives exhibited some odd behaviors while taking the medication doesn't mean that you will. Again, if it worries you, speak to ypour doctor. There are other options to help you sleep.
OK...he said to watch out for loss of balance and slurred speech especially. I'm going to talk to him about the ambien next time...I feel like I need something occasionally that can help me sleep and/or something to take the edge off if my symptoms are mild that I don't have to take every day...obviously if they are worse then something else. I want to be on the least amount/dose of drugs possible..looking into some kind of natural GABA boosting supplement (since ambien effects GABA, thought that might help).
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