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I have had a hard time getting to sleep for years and have been taking 5 mg. of Ambien, and yet I can fall to sleep during the day with a book or the TV on. Recently I have not been able to get back to sleep when I awake in the middle of the night. Thing is I have started to begin dreaming on Ambien, and so just as I awake in the middle of the night, I am also in the middle of a dream. So I get up to use the restroom, but now when I go back to bed instead of getting another 5 mg. of Ambien, I decide to see if I can finish the dream. This puts me back to sleep since I am thinking of trying to continue my dream. If I was having dreams of being chased by a bad man like I used to dream, this wouldn't be easy. Last night my dream was wonderful. I was riding a bike out of town, and for some reason I got off my bike, leaving my purse and shoes with it. I started to walk back to my bike, but must have taken another road. I came upon the outskirts of our town, but a part of town I had never seen. It looks more like England (I had been watching James Herriot series.), and then a Chinese woman helped me get through the town. I was thinking how much I would love my husband to see this town and to eat lunch in it. Then she climbed some rocks and jumped in a pool in town. She wanted me to join, but I told her that I had to get home, and if I can't find my way I would ask to use a phone and have my husband come and get me. What a nice travel dream. I hope to continue to get to sleep this way and hope to someday figure out how to get off Ambien altogether. Reading a book doesn't help at night even though I don't read exciting books then.
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