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After some time on this Forum, I have just about recovered from culture shock.

English is a language in England.
There is also American English not to be confused with English English,
not forgetting Canadian English, which seems almost to be a distant relation to American English and English English.

At times there are similarities and every one appears to be understanding each other .:grouphug:

At others :banghead::computer: there are little misunderstandings :rolleyes:


Man, you guys make it tough for a chick born in Quebec and raised in Detroit.

I'll just stick to "Urban English," then.

Anyway, you guys spell funny. But you smell delightful.


Resident Canuck
:homer: yum, beer.

Yummmmm! Sugar high of Maple Taffy. :woohoo: running off sugar energy :teehee:


I've recently been told that my taste in beer is less than uh...tasteful.

At least I stick to Molson or Labatt's. I mean, I have some dignity.


Account Closed
...Excuse me?...Sorry Fiver, but I'm not sure I truly appreciate your last post....:D

Is this like an American / Canadian misunderstanding?
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