More threads by briochick


Hi all, I'm briochick. I'm 25, and an English teacher working full time teaching students k-9th in Korea. I have a bachelor's degree and almost a certificate on top of that. :p almost.

I am ADHD. Very. Not self or gp diagnosed. I'm an introvert but only just barely. I had a rough childhood. It could have been worse. It could have been much nicer.

I've been to five therapists, three of them were good. Since I became an adult I've had a T suggest I have depression, borderline personality disorder (because I used to self-injure. I don't anymore, btw), post traumatic stress disorder, anxiety-whatever, blah I forget whatever else but I think there was one more.

I recently got a bout of bad headaches and ended up at the neurologist who diagnosed me with migraines and gave me a combination of an anti-epilepsy drug plus a seratonin reuptake inhibitor plus some things for brain healing in addition to the Welbutrin I was already taken and I've had significant improvement in my psychological symptoms, though I still am getting headaches somewhat. This makes me think that perhaps I have more than just your regular run of the mill depression. Actually my head has cleared enough recently and I've been confident enough to look back and say, you know, I think I probably have depression with a bit (more than a bit?) of psychosis.

Without meds pychosis included:

  • feeling watched
  • unexplained terror
  • feeling like things were crawling on/touching me
  • noises/whispering (no/virtually no distinguishable words)
  • catching things out of the corner of my eye (a cat, a person, a shadow) only to look up and see nothing
  • paranoia
  • feeling like I was going to die (not suicidal)
  • major compulsions
  • unwanted images of violence in my mind that would terrify me
Happy note: I was actually able to function PAST all of this and I stopped self-injuring without any medication (but with therapy) and worked a part time job and attended school and had friends. I just don't function *well* without medication, my grades were mediocre, the job was one that wasn't high stress, and I didn't have many friends and they were very tolerant.

I'm here, because I want to figure out what to do about it. Right now I'm in a country with universal health care but I won't be forever. This country is also seriously behind on psychology so I can't tell them of my psychotic symptoms (even though I have only the most mild now) or I'm sure they would revoke my visa. With the relief I've had recently both emotionally and mentally I'm thinking that maybe I could get permanent relief (which I had never really hoped for, I thought I'd just have to *deal*) with a combination of meds but I'd like to do it in a western country.

But I want to know what I'd be getting myself into. And have a good grasp on what is wonky about my brain before I leap into the shark tank.

So I'm here.

comments are welcome.
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Resident Canuck
Re: an intro in chord of brio

:hithere: Birochick :welcome: to Psychlinks!


Thanks for the welcome. :)

Any suggestions on which sub-forum(s) I should post on first? There are so many I'm a bit at a loss of where to start.

lol, and I noted that my post now has bullets. Wish I'd thought of that when I was originally posting. Thank you.

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Thanks for the welcome. :)

Any suggestions on which sub-forum(s) I should post on first? There are so many I'm a bit at a loss of where to start.

lol, and I noted that my post now has bullets. Wish I'd thought of that when I was originally posting. Thank you.

You could post some more specific questions in the General Support and Advice forum here, perhaps.

What are the specific medications you're taking now?


What are the specific medications you're taking now?

I'm taking welbutrin and I know that the neurologist has me on a ssri and an anti-epilepsy drug but he's never told me the names of them and the pharmasies here don't give you the pills in the original containers so you can't find out that way. I really don't know. I can take a picture of them though.


Welcome to Psychlinks, Briochick :welcome2:

I am glad that you decided to join the forum and I hope to see you around :wave:

If you check out it has a pill identifier which may help with telling you what medication you are taking.


ok, thanks!

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hmmm, this is interesting. I can't find *any* of the pills he's given me on the pill identifier. Maybe because I'm in South Korea? I guess I'll try and ask him the next time I go back.

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After a bit of googling I may have found two of them,


Another pill search sent me to a website article which is too extensive for me to understand without a serious anatomy text book beside me.

The third one is blue with three little squares on it in a sort of V pattern, no letters or numbers. My brain tells me "could be a placebo" or "could be the SSRI the neurologist said he was going to give you or something else if he changed his mind."

Fourth one, found nothing on either.

The curiosity may bug me and I may just call and ask him.
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