More threads by Wingless


*waves* Hello.

I found this site while searching for "mental health forums on Google. oh! I see it has .ca at the end is this site for Canadians only? If so too bad this place looks interesting. I would love to move their some day. Umm, sorry got side tracked..well I came here to learn more about self-help exercises and what not for depression and anxiety.

I would like some counseling but I'm conflicted/scared about going. It feels like it's not actually serious enough to warrant seeing someone but I know thats not true. This has affected my life for 10 years. There were high and lows time but my life was always clouded in pessimism, negativity and anxiety.

Also I seemed to have developed a phobia of some sort about job interviews but it's probably just my social anxiety.

What's about messed up about this is that I found a place 3 years ago that could help me but can't seem to make myself actually go. I chicken out every time. :/

Well that's the end of my introduction. I'll be lurking the forums a bit..not really comfortable posting much don't want to bother you nice people.

Nice to meet ya..


MVP, Forum Supporter
Welcome! This site is totally open to other countries too. And please do feel free to post if you want to. :)


Now I feel terrible. Reading through the other introductions people have had it so much worse, gone through so much tragedy and hardship...makes my problems look like a complete worthless joke.


MVP, Forum Supporter
Please don't think that Wingless, because everyone's different situation presents challenges, and nobody has the right to say that another person's challenge or problem doesn't matter just because it is different. And everyone deserves support whether their problem seems big or small or even with just everyday concerns. Ok? :)
You are just as important as anyone here hun ok Anxiety depression all are reasons to reach out for help t hey can be very crippling hun Keep posting ok


You are just as important as anyone here hun ok Anxiety depression all are reasons to reach out for help t hey can be very crippling hun Keep posting ok

Thank you also. :D
Very crippling.

As for being just as important as anyone else.. find that hard to believe..not really important in the grand scheme of things but I'll surely try to think so.

Please don't think that Wingless, because everyone's different situation presents challenges, and nobody has the right to say that another person's challenge or problem doesn't matter just because it is different. And everyone deserves support whether their problem seems big or small or even with just everyday concerns. Ok? :)

I know thank you it's just hard ya know? Lot's of people told me that my problems doesn't because there's so many people worse off than you. I should just suck it and have a smile permanently attached to my face cuz my life aint that bad. And I feel so guilty because it is true. It aint.


MVP, Forum Supporter
In some ways that is sort of true, in the sense that we obviously have advantages if we're in a place where we are posting on the internet instead of walking miles to try to get enough food or clean water, or running from bombs and bullets. It's great that you are aware of that. :) Still, we can have a lot of suffering of a different kind which can come from ill health or dysfunction in our brains, or the genuine stress and problems of dealing with our complex society. The stress and problems in those areas are still significant. If you remember to accept that while not forgetting the blessings you do have, you're on the right track. :)
Hi though this is a Canadian site and most on here are from Canada everyone is welcome. I'm actually from the states and not Canada. Anyway I have social anxiety as well, which has also made it hard for me at job interviews. It seems when ever I go for a job interview I must not look confident enough and I don't have much experience working with costumers because of my social anxiety making it hard for me to find a job and get more skill. Perhaps we can help each other out.


I would like some counseling but I'm conflicted/scared about going. It feels like it's not actually serious enough to warrant seeing someone but I know thats not true. This has affected my life for 10 years. There were high and lows time but my life was always clouded in pessimism, negativity and anxiety.

Illness afflicts different people in different ways, and no two people experience pain identically. What might be a small inconvenience in discomfort to one might be insurmountable pain for another.

What's important is how does the illness, its symptoms and the pain affect your quality of life,

Evidently from what you have shared, your quality of life is compromised.

Put another way, if you had chest pain for the length of time you have felt anxiety and mood irregularities, would you have waited this long to be evaluated?

The symptoms you've described are treatable, and you can take back control of your life, by getting therapy,

Call and get a referral if necessary and make an appointment, No more delays, Wingless.

Welcome to Psychlinks, and all are welcome......Glad you've found us!
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