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i have had anger management for 2 years and it helped for a while.

since iv been out of it iv been gettin angry and stressed but not as much as i used to. but when i do release it its normally in an argument with my girlfriend and it doent do us any good. i was wondering what could possible keep me calm?

also we are still together but nearly broke up today and yesterday which was bad cause iv been with her nearly too years and i do love her. i cried myself to sleep and cried and cried again. i feel a bit calmer now how can i stay this way? also when i was asleep i was having dreams about what would happen etc with her and my sister has got a degree in psycology and kinda broke the dream down into a different perspection and explain why i might have had it and feel this way now. this entriged me and which is why i have signed to this forum as i am interested in learning more about this.

if anyone could have a chat with me it would be much appreciated and would help alot.

thanks, Zak

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
First, is the anger issue the reason you nearly broke up today? Second, have you thought about returning to get some additional help with anger? Is that a feasible option for you at this time?


Arguement was the reason and we've both done stuff to hurt each other emotionaly not phsically as i would never do such a thing. yes i have thought about returning but it was at school where i was doing this at and don't really know were to go to in the town im living in. i normally tranport all my emotion, pain, hurt,sad into an agression and i have been used to gettin stressed from it and then taking it out on people. i feel when iv cried or so like i have done recently its calmed me in a better more relaxed way why is that?



What type of anger management training/therapy were you taking?

Some people have found success with behavioural modification training, which is learning fairly light duty strategies to deal with situations. The goal is to know an alternative way do deal with frequent situations in your life.

Have you ever consulted a psychiatrist to help you with your anger? As you well know, consulting a psychiatrist does not suggest serious psychiatric illness, but these are doctors who specialize in helping people deal with various behaviours, and can sometimes prescribe medications when appropriate.

People with aggressive rage reactions have been pleasantly surprised by how effective some very simple treatments can be, not to mention how happy their relationships can become once the rage is controlled. :)


it was an anger management excercise i was taking in school with a learning mentor as i was bottling all bad emotion i had and then releasing it when i needed to, arguements, fights etc.

as iv grown up and got out of fightin and stupid arguments i dont think the method i used back then works now.

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
I would suggest you go back and talk to that person again. If it helped once, it may help again. There are many strategies for managing anger in better ways.


i cant really see that person as it was through school.
and i live in doncaster england, so im not sure where to go etc.



As Dr. Baxter suggests your family doctor would be the first place to ask about anger management training. I have also learned that in England your local hospital can point you to a regional center where such resources are available.

Have a look at this website to see if it may be of interest:

Please keep us posted on your progress, and let us know where you find a resource to help.

We'd like to add it to our Psychlinks Support Directory


We'll look forward to hearing from you, Zak, as to how things go! Good luck to you, and kudos for having the courage to reach out! :)
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