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I had my appointment yesterday for the transfer of ME! yes my psychologist has declared defeat and i guess in spite of feeling somewhat abandoned yet again, i do understand that for someone that doesn't know really how to deal with someone with an eating disorder it is only normal that he send me elsewhere. I am now on a waiting list for a general program not an eating disorder program or anything else. it is a program in a hospital for people that have a mental illness yet it has transformed into many different things over the years so a program where i will be fallowed by a whole team of people. i am not sure exacly what to expect.. I am actually very nervous to say the truth..

But what bothers me is the OCD. i do realise that i have many behaviors that are considered obsessive and i don't deny that is an issue. it is more like i have wondered to what extent it is another issue all together because they seem to think i am Anorexic and Obsessive-Compulsive, yet i always thought my anorexia was a form of OCD. Or that the OCD is a form of anorexia. i don't know .. maybe i am completly wrong but it seemed logical. Most of my obsessive paterns are linked to my e-d and therefore if i was not anorexic i don't think i would be so obsessive.

so what is it with OCD and e-d's?


Dear AK, it sounds like you still have a lot to sort out but also that you are thinking about how to do that, as confusing as it is. It sounds like a general program might be a good thing so try not to be too nervous about it. Hopefully they can help you get the OCD confusion sorted out. :goodluck: Mari
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