More threads by royaldamon

Okay today in the morning, I felt a shortness of breath. I got really scared, start to pace around and scared my mother. I went to my regular doctor, they checked my heart and lungs and said everything seemed normal. My heart started to race and I started to shake. They told me to go to the ER and so, me and my mom went there.

I slowly calmed down there, as they provided me with asthma medication (although it didn't help and the doctors said it didn't seem like asthma). Anyways, I was discharged and they told me to do yoga and mediate.

I am only 17 and am in High School. When all this happened, I wasn't thinking of anything stressful or anything I would be anxious over. Also, the day before I went to a church with friends (we got invited because we are part of a program the church ran) and I sat through everything although I am not a Christian. There I felt a bit weird, like my heart was racing a bit and when we were coming back home I ran a bit and was out of breath really soon.

What can be the cause? How can I prevent this? Please help! I am so scared and I don't want to be crippled by this. I am scared that I will stop breathing and that worries me a lot.

Thank you!


Re: Anxiety Attack, Please Help

Have you ever discussed your anxiety with your doctor, and/or received treatment for anxiety?

Do you have a doctor you can see, perhaps without your Mom so you can discuss personal issues without Mom looking on?
Re: Anxiety Attack, Please Help

No I haven't discussed it with a doctor. I want to face this myself I guess. I'm not sure what is causing it, that's the problem! I wish I knew :( Like when this happened, I was reading an NBA related article. Now when I try to read NBA related stuff, I kinda feel like I'm getting the symptoms again!

Also, I keep thinking back to today, how can I stop that?

Thank you for the response.


Re: Anxiety Attack, Please Help

I think everyone feels agitated and anxious from time to time, depending on circumstances. Anxiety is not a bad thing, because it's part of everyone's range of emotions and responses to danger.

However if you find you are having these symptoms frequently and they affect your ability to function, then your best advice would be to discuss it with your doctor.

Here is some worthwhile resource material on the subject:

Anxiety -

Generalized anxiety disorder -

Generalized anxiety disorder: Symptoms -

Sometimes square breathing helps when you begin feeling an anxiety attack coming on. Square breathing is done by breathing in for a count of four, holding your breath for a count of four, breathing out for a count of four and waiting to take the next breath for a count of four.

By doing a series of these can sometimes help calm you down.

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Re: Anxiety Attack, Please Help

One of the problems with any anxiety disorder, especially panic disorder, is that anxiety feeds on anxiety so it's easy to get into a vicious circle where your anxiety starts to spiral upwards and, at least initially, you feel like you can't stop it.

There are several good threads on coping with panic disorder in the Psychlinks Panic Disorder forum.

I would strongly recommend that you
  1. see your family doctor to discuss medication to help interrupt the anxiety cycle until you have time to learn other anxiety and panic management techniques; and
  2. ask for a referral to a psychologist or other therapist experienced in treating anxiety disorders as soon as possible
Panic disorder is highly unpleasant but it is also very treatable. The sooner you start, the sooner you will feel like you have control over your life again.
Re: Anxiety Attack, Please Help

If it continues these attacks get back to your gp okay Ask doctor to run some test to rule out asthma for one thing a stress test okay If it is not asthma then have the doctor prescribe you medication to help keep he anxiety attacks from happening or even ask to talk to someone a councillor a therapist someone that can teach you breathing techniques to help you get throught the attacks with out too much panick
Re: Anxiety Attack, Please Help

Doctor gave me a one month of anti-anxiety meds I think. He said he didn't think it was asthma, because even when he checked during my attack, my lungs seemed to function normally.

Currently, I am feeling a bit anxious or w.e shortness of breathe and my heart is not pacing but I kinda feel it.


gave me a one month of anti-anxiety meds I think

Good for you in seeing the doctor!

We may be able to give you more information about your medication.

What is the prescription name and how were you instructed to take your medication? Is it to be taken as needed when you feel an anxiety attack coming on or do you take it once (or more) each day?

Do you have a follow up appointment to discuss your progress?
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