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My daughter is 16th and has so far missed lots of school since the last few years but because of my past family situation (the abuses and separations); we believed that it would be part of the reasons as well as being a young woman in transformation.

Now she's not upset with me and angry for the prior situation and she opened up. Since this year?s she's back at school in grade 10, she has been suffering of high migraines and panic attacks.

For the last 2 days, she comes out cry in distress attacks. The school and I, we are extremely worried but any suggestion on how to bring her back to school. She ran to my house and got back in tears? I husband is aware of the situation but not the last week because I brought her to the doctor against his will. She wanted to ask the doctor what was wrong with her and if it was tied in with the menstrual cycle. My daughter then explained her anxiety & panics. We have a migraine specialist schedule for mid nova. and a psychologist as well for her evaluation.

Looking on ways to help her and support her?

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
She is already seeing a psychologist for her anxiety and panic disorder.

Your best bet as her parents would be (a) to learn as much as you can about panic disorder (start by reading some of the threads here, which will lead you to other resources), and (b) to contact her psychologist for recommendations as to what you can to to support the treatment strategy he or she is using with your daughter.

Talking to your family doctor about medications that may be helpful is another suggestion.
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