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If I take my medicine regularly I do not have anxiety attacks. I love my wife so much when she hurts mentally or physically so do I, I sense her pain. Can love bring on anxiety? I hate to see anybody suffer, I have seen enough of that in my life. The thought alone makes me angry. Why do we suffer in the first place? At my age I see a lots of reasons why people suffer, it seems only humans suffer, I have seen animals suffer. It is said, there is a reason for everything, if that's true then where is the answer? high strung :confused:


Excellent answer, Slowly the doctors are working on it, very very slow. She is better a little, and I am exstremly happier.

"From a secular point of view, we experience pain, discomfort etc because we are organic beings whose electrochemical systems malfunction.

Regardless of one's orientation, in today's availability of medical and psychological interventions, I feel there should be little or no reason for a person to live with suffering".

Well said. I agree wholeheartedly. high strung:)


Re: Anxiety for Pain.

I suppose the way the question is interpreted, depends upon one's orientation.

If you happen to be religious, suffering might be seen as preparation for the after life and that one's suffering will be compensated in the after life.

From a secular point of view, we experience pain, discomfort etc because we are organic beings whose electochemical systems malfunction.

Regardless of one's orientation, in today's availability of medical and psychological interventions, I feel there should be little or no reason for a person to live with suffering.

As someone with empathy and love for your wife, it is perfectly understandable you would share in her pain.

I wouldn't pretend to know or understand the seriousness of your wife's condition which sounds like it is a chronic condition. Has/have her doctor(s) not been able to find treatments that can ease her pain and discomfort?
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