More threads by royaldamon

So, I keep thinking I might have health issue. I'm too scared to bring it up to my doctor but I might have to this week. Anyways, until then I am almost dead because of anxiety.

Please help me! :( Anxiety is seriously killing me!

Daniel E.
With anxiety, people tend to awfulize, like ruminate about how horrible a certain possibility is. When feeling anxious, one also tends to discount one's ability to cope with future situations. In reality, few things are truly horrific or intolerable.

One approach to managing anxiety is mindfulness:

Mindfulness and Meditation Full Catastrophe Living: Using the Wisdom of Your Body and Mind to Face Stress, Pain, and Illness (9780385303125): Jon Kabat-Zinn: Books

Another approach is CBT:

Be sure to mention your anxiety to your doctor, of course.


Sorry to hear about the anxiety your situation is causing you, Royaldamon.

What is the nature of the health issue that concerns you?

Why are you apprehensive about discussing it with your doctor?

Your doctor should be objective and not judge you, but rather should be focusing on evaluating the symptoms with which you present in order to make an accurate diagnosis, so that you can be offered some treatment options. The doctor should treat you with respect and dignity, all the time maintaining total confidentiality.

Are any of these conditions missing from your relationship with your doctor?
I am really young and made poor choices in the past. Was a bit sexually active and well, I think my past is hunting me.

About 4 years ago, there was blood in my urine. The doctor then gave me another regular test and one for infection. I wasn't contacted back or anything, so I'm guessing everything was fine.

Last year, in a office test of the urine using a stripe. Blood was discovered in my urine. I had a ultrasound of the kidneys, which came in fine (by the way, this is a new doctor). My doctor thought it was probably kidney stone and never raised the issue again. Well, recently I just read up on this and am kinda scared because it says it can be cancer. I took a regular urine test yesterday and I'm not sure what it can be.

I do not know what to tell my doctor. I don't want to tell him stuff and I feel kinda lonely and alone because of my past mistakes and such. I am worrying about cancer and such...

Really scared and can't get my mind off of it.


Welcome to Psychlinks royaldamon! :2thumbs:

Sorry to hear of your situation. First, we have all made past mistakes and will make future mistakes. The fact that you realize these were mistakes is a good thing and now you can learn from them and move on. I think the only way to get past the anxiety of your health issues is to keep going to the doctor until you get the answers you need. Don't self diagnose or stress that you have something until your doctor tells you have the issue. I know that is easier said then done but definitely rule things out first or your anxiety will be through the roof.

I have had a kidney stone before and it was very painful, of course that doesn't mean everyone experiences pain I guess. The best thing to do is just be straight up with your doctor. You are not your mistakes so no need to be embarrassed or ashamed. Doctors have heard it all!

I hope you can find the courage to get in there and deal with the problem asap and relieve your anxiety about things. I wish you luck!:)

Daniel E.
Not only is blood in the urine not usually indicative of cancer, but in young adults, the chances of it being cancer seem much lower from what I have read. In fact, urinalysis testing is usually not worth the effort in young adults, though followup testing makes sense when blood is found.

Of course, anything is possible I guess, especially since I am a layman, but so is being hit by a bus on the way to the doctor's office.
Hun just talk to your doc okay could be so many reasons why you have blood in your urine please don't worry Just talkto your doctor okay so you can stop being so anxious.
The doctor will have all the answers you are looking for hun so don't put if off any longer or it will only cause more problems

Daniel E.
According to this article, even running can cause blood in the urine, and it only mentions that people over the age of 40 need to have cancer ruled out:

Finding Blood in Urine - MSN Health & Fitness - Men's Sexual Health

Regarding exercise:

Strenuous exercise. It's not quite clear why exercise causes gross hematuria. It may be trauma to the bladder, dehydration or the breakdown of red blood cells that occurs with sustained aerobic exercise. Runners are most often affected, although almost any athlete can develop visible urinary bleeding after an intense workout.

Blood in urine (hematuria): Causes -


Haematuria or red blood cells can be present in urine because of many things starting from taking analgesic and/or antibiotic to urinary tract infection. Anyhow, You shouldn't think about the worse royaldamon.

And You should be apsolutely comfortable with telling everything to Your doctor, there is no need to feel anxious about that.


Regaining trust, requires a healing process in itself.

It looks like a part of you wants to have the conversation with the doctor.

Why does this part want it?

Why should this part of you NOT want to talk to the doctor?

There has to be a back and forth for a while for some healing to happen.


STP said:
You are not your mistakes so no need to be embarrassed or ashamed. Doctors have heard it all!

Exactly! Physicians have been trained to deal with just about every common situation and ailment that is found in the community they serve. A visit to a doctor is not a social call, and although you may develop a rapport with your doctor, the rapport is a professional relationship and not a personal relationship.

The distinction is that your doctor should not be judgemental in anything you say or reveal.

You should therefore feel comfortable to report to your doctor all your previous behaviours, symptoms and concerns without apprehension. The more information your doctor collects, the more likely a correct diagnosis can be made and an effective treatment can be ordered.

Do you feel you can do this, royaldamon?
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