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I heard this song on the radio this morning, I did not catch all the lyrics but it did get me laughing and temporarily take away my tears. :dimples: Mari

There?s just no forgiving the cost of living
I?m swirling down the drain
It?s no small feat to make ends meet
And there?s a cost for every gain.

I?m left with crumbs when the tax man comes
I?ve exhausted my credit line
Though I feel caught at least I?ve got
My looks and I?ll be fine.

The car needs towing the computers slowing
And the TV?s on the blink
Something?s died away inside
The walls and left to stink.

The rising bills drive me to pills
Chased down by discount wine
My liver?s shot but at least I?ve got
My looks and I?ll be fine.

By J. Sean Elliott
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