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I have a bad habit of when I experience panic attacks / severe depression bouts, to take my tool i've "designated" for SI and set it next to me. Why... the cutting makes me feel a release, much like in crying, and is like physical proof of my mental pain. For some reason that makes me feel better.

But the tool tonight sits unused next to me. Why? Psychiatric drugs and therapeutic counseling (part of which is from YOU ALL, THANK YOU!). I KNOW very well that self-injury is very unhealthy, but probably no more unhealthy than all the toxic chemicals I put in my body every day... not to mention the "toxic thoughts" that I allow to pass through unquestioned then produce naturally... "toxic feelings".
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Well I am glad you haven't touched the tool you were going to use. Has anyone suggested to you yet to write out a self-care list?

If not, you may want to try it. Things to put on it - when's the last time I ate (am I hungry am I thirsty) put some phone numbers down of crisis lines or supportive friends, write to remember to breathe.... for my list it was also to turn on some lights because dim lights trigger me, putting something over me so I have some soft fuzzy material against my skin. Maybe add to put on some music - add a couple of fun diversions like games. Posting here too is a great idea.

Once you have written put it someplace that you can easily access it. And before you bring out anything to SI start with the list and go down it item by item. This type of list has helped me tremendously.
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