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Hi. Until recently Iwas living with the knowledge that I had PTSD but thought something else was happening and I had a major episode. So I got to the bottom of it and it seems I have the symptoms of PTSD, BPD, and Abuse Syndrome. Now this is all too much for me to handle and feel overwhelmed and want to know if the obsession of having to be in control of everything in my environment, including fist and foremost, my weight , has to do with these diagnoses, or could it be BDD? I really hope not because I already have enough to deal with, but everyday, everytime I am in front of a mirror for the last 30 years(no joke), I have been literally obsessed with my weight thinking I am fat. I have a large build and have exercised a lot and have more testosterone than women normally have, but I may look in the mirror in the morning and look somewhat alright and 3 hours later look in the mirror and want to puke because I am too fat. Everyone I know says that I am crazy to think I am fat and I fit into a size 8 at 5 ft 6 inches. Now is this something I will have to live with and why is it that I am not taken seriously. even my psych. just casually asks me if I think I am fat and then says it is all about my feeling I have no control over everything. Can anything be done to rid someone of this perception/obsession?
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Daniel E.
...has to do with these diagnoses, or could it be BDD?

The only way to know is to ask your mental health professional. Generally speaking, it seems either could be true, depending on the individual.

even my psych. just casually asks me if I think I am fat and then says it is all about my feeling I have no control over everything. Can anything be done to rid someone of this perception/obsession?

From what I have read, psychotherapy like CBT would be effective both for the underlying anxiety you mention ("no control over everything") as well as the more specific "perceptions/obsessions" regarding weight. Of course, medications (and, for many people, physical exercise and music therapy) can also help reduce anxiety.
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Well this isn't very good news. Now I am really confused because I am living with this info of having symptoms of 3 disorders which is depressing the hell out of me and now this. I am thinking maybe it is just part and parcel of all the dysfunction of BPD and PTSD. Sometimes I wonder how I am ever going to recover. This is one wonderous adventure this thing called life. Can I find any literature that can shed some light on this?:

Daniel E.
Now I am really confused because I am living with this info of having symptoms of 3 disorders which is depressing the hell out of me and now this.
Reading about disorders one hasn't been diagnosed with can easily lead to such confusion since many disorders sound the same. In any case, the frontline treatment is usually psychotherapy.

I am thinking maybe it is just part and parcel of all the dysfunction of BPD and PTSD.
That's what it seems your therapist is telling you.
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