More threads by Dragonfly


Global Moderator & Practitioner
As in, both sides of the therapeutic relationship.

I struggle with interpersonal relationships and, according to some, I have a distorted sense of myself. So I continue to work in therapy - albeit with admitted and discussed ambivalence (because interpersonal relationships are hard for me....) Yet objectively, I am a successful psychiatrist (successful as defined by helping to alleviate the suffering of others and by contributing to the field) and my kids are doing well.

I care most about my children - followed by my work. Parenting is by far the hardest thing that I have done. I am a single parent and worry about my decisions / style, so have joined an on-line group of parents, and I get cds and go to conferences specifically on parenting.

I have been reading the posts on your forum for almost a year now. The group seems kind, gentle and wise. I am not exactly sure what prompted me to actually join about a week ago, then post today .... but clearly something is driving me.


David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
I struggle with interpersonal relationships and, according to some, I have a distorted sense of myself. So I continue to work in therapy - albeit with admitted and discussed ambivalence (because interpersonal relationships are hard for me....) Yet objectively, I am a successful psychiatrist (successful as defined by helping to alleviate the suffering of others and by contributing to the field) and my kids are doing well.

I care most about my children - followed by my work. Parenting is by far the hardest thing that I have done. I am a single parent and worry about my decisions / style, so have joined an on-line group of parents, and I get cds and go to conferences specifically on parenting.

I could probably have written most of that myself, DF. Helping others can often be a way of escaping the stresses (and distresses) of one's own life, I think.

Welcome to Psychlinks. :)


Global Moderator & Practitioner
Many thanks for the welcome. Dr. B - appreciate that you normalized my experiences. Hope that in time I can (trust enough) find a way to both receive support and to contribute to your forum in a constructive way. thanks again, df :)
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