More threads by David Baxter PhD

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Breakdown in the Globe and Mail
June 23, 2008

All this week, Canada's Globe and Mail has a fantastic special on mental health entitled Breakdown, relating the personal experiences of people who've experienced the extremes of thought and mood, and talking to some of the mental health professionals who work to assist people through times of mental turmoil.

During the coming week, articles on employment and mental health, addiction, mental illness and the law, fighting stigma and the Canadian way of treating mental disorder will be published on a day-by-day basis.

It's already incredibly comprehensive though, with video interviews, articles and audio slideshows focusing on the life stories of people who've been diagnosed with bipolar disorder, schizophrenia and anxiety disorders, as well as an interview with psychiatrist David Goldbloom, one of Canada's head honchos in mental health.

From what I've seen already, and I'm still exploring, it's a wonderfully put together, powerful and engaging project.

Hats off to The Globe and Mail.

UPDATE: I just watched the interview with psychiatrist David Goldbloom and the last five minutes have a striking reading from an 1841 letter. After hearing the letter, the author might surprise you. Well worth checking out.
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