More threads by Daniel E.


Resident Canuck
What is breakfast :zzz: I am usually asleep at that time still. :lol:


David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
And fish, especially carp, to offset the carpal tunnel syndrome from pushing all those buttons, preferably battered and fried in bacon fat.


And, apparently, rabbits.

Only for the dogs. I don't touch them. When it comes to the dogs, anything goes. Fish, beef, chicken, lamb, goat, venison, rabbit, bison...there are no limits.

My dogs have a better diet than I do.


Certain fish are one of the the best sources of omega 3 EFA.

They can keep their EFAs. They are slimy, smelly, and taste weird (the fish, I mean).

And, when I was eight, I cut into a piece of fish, and found a lovely bouquet of worms :yuck:. I have not gone near the stuff since.

Daniel E.
Don't forget lobster and shrimp, the roaches of the sea :D

Some lobster trivia:

The American love affair with the lobster actually had a late start. Early settlers thought them too ugly to eat, and witnessed the Native Americans using them for field fertilizer and fish bait. The creatures were so plentiful that they could be plucked effortlessly from tide pools. They were considered “poverty food” and served to prisoners and indentured servants. In Massachusetts, servants were outraged and lobbied for a law that would limit their lobster meals to no more than three per week.

The Cockroach of the Sea | Secrets of the City


Whatever. Just make sure there's a full pot of strong coffee. Did I mention strong? And a full pot?

I'm not a good waker-upper, and don't talk to me about food until I've been awake for three hours.
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