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David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Government launches new online tool for drug safety information
Health Canada
February 12, 2015

Easy to use, consumer-friendly Drug and Health Product Register will make it easier to find health product information to better protect the health and safety of Canadian families

On behalf of Health Minister Rona Ambrose, Transport Minister Lisa Raitt and Oakville Member of Parliament Terence Young today launched the Drug and Health Product Register, a new web tool designed to provide Canadians with easy access to consumer-friendly information on medicines and vaccines in order to better ensure the health and safety of themselves and their families.

The online tool provides centralized access to practical and important drug information on prescription drugs so that Canadians can make better-informed decisions about their health. Consumers can use the easy-to-search tool to find information on hundreds of medications for themselves, their children, elderly parents, or other loved ones, including what a drug is used for, safety warnings and precautions, common side effects, and adverse reactions that have been reported to Health Canada. The new site is mobile-friendly, so Canadians can access health product information on the go.

Health Canada has recently delivered on several additional initiatives in addition to the Drug and Health Product Registerto help make health product information easier to find and use, including: a new publication for health professionals called the Health Product InfoWatch; more information on health product safety reviews that have been initiated; and a list of drug products with paediatric information on their labels, to give prescribers and caregivers easier access to this information in one central location.

Today?s announcement follows on a recent announcement that the Government of Canada is advancing regulations that will require manufacturers to publicly report drug shortages in order for Canadians to better plan for their health and safety. By providing advanced warning of upcoming shortages, Canadians will be able to better proactively work with their healthcare professionals to find alternative options.

Quick Facts

  • The Drug and Health Product Register has been designed to become the go-to resource for Canadians looking for quick access to a range of health product information.
  • Health Canada has published an Interim Report on the Regulatory Transparency and Openness Framework that outlines the progress being made to improve access to timely, useful and relevant regulatory information available to Canadians. The report highlights how Health Canada is going above and beyond its original commitments, including additional initiatives that will be complete by March 31, 2015.
  • The Government of Canada recently passed Vanessa's Law, which introduces important safety improvements and transparency measures to the Food and Drugs Act, to better protect Canadians from unsafe drugs.
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