hi. i am 33 yr old. female. i have suffered from anxiety, panic attacks, and various forms of depression with heavy concentrations of fear. basically when ive tried to explain these things to a doctor...the whole story does not come out. so i am going to try now. i have religious fears...i have seen church counselors and they tell me i am oppressed with spirits...i believe that but i was wondering if maybe something else is wrong with me since their solutions are harder for me to live with. anyways, i just want to say that i need some help very badly and i am not sure if i am going to give you enough info in order to convey to you exactly what is going on in my head. either way, it is effecting my life not to mention my sleep as bad as it did when i was a young teen. my grandma was schizophrenic although i dont see how that would affect me since i dont have hallucenations. but i dont hear things outside my head although the thoughts i have are not all mine. dreams i have have always been about the end of the world and now i dream them every night. i am not paranoid in the sense of making friends and whatnot however i have think i know that there are ulterior motives in everyone and everything and i see them. i hope this makes some sense since i am not going to reread this over to check...since then i will not send this.