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Hi to all...
I'm currently in the process of coming off my citalopram (generic Celexa) for the first time in a couple of years. I'm going through the whole SSRI withdrawal process, which I bet a lot of you already know is extremely unpleasant... I've done it before, though, so I know what's going on and how to manage it the best I can.

My question is on the new drug I'll be starting soon-- Anafranil. Has anyone ever taken it? Any comparisons between it and SSRI's? Side effects? How long before a noticeable effect?

I've only ever taken SSRI antidperessants, no tricyclics or anything else, so I'm curious about pretty much everything right now. I'm the type that likes to find out every single tiny piece of information I can get my hands on, so anything at all will be helpful and interesting to me!

I'll add that I've already read lots of good info from various websites and publications. When I'm really interested in at this point are personal experiences from people who've actually taken the drug themselves, know what I mean? It's one thing to read something in a report and another thing altogether to hear it from the mouth of someone who's been there.



Resident Canuck
I just wanted to wish you a smooth transition between meds. I know the withdrawls can be rough. :hug:


Account Closed
Hi Charity
Wanted to drop by and introduce myself. Unfortunately I don't have the answer to the question but am curious about the answer myself as I am also on an SSRI.



Anafranil, (clomipramine hydrochloride capsules USP), is an antiobsessional drug that belongs to the class (dibenzazepine) of pharmacologic agents known as tricyclic antidepressants.

A reliable site to provide an overview of Anafranil is HERE on RxList

What was it about the citalopram that prompted a change, and what is your physician's rationale and strategy in switching from an SSRI to a tricyclic?

You will need to ask your doctor about what potential side effects you might experience, and to have a communications plan in place to report back.

Common side effects of tricyclics are dry mouth, nausea, constipation and drowsiness.

Your doctor may have strategies to deal with any or all of these should you happen to experience any of them.

Please keep us posted on your progress.
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