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Daniel E.
Changing Your Relationship with Anxiety :acrobat:

This is the 3rd chapter of The Mindful Way through Anxiety: Break Free from Chronic Worry and Reclaim Your Life,
by Susan M. Orsillo and Lizabeth Roemer, with Foreword by Zindel V. Segal.
Copyright ? 2011, Guilford Publications.

An excerpt:

Which of the following common beliefs about anxiety do you hold?

? ?I don?t like to feel anxious because I believe it is a sign of weakness.?
? ?I get angry with myself for feeling nervous when there is no need to be.?
? ?I am disappointed in myself for being so anxious.?
? ?I feel flawed in some way because I get anxious in situations that don?t bother other people.?
? ?I find my anxiety overwhelming.?
? ?I think anxiety can be dangerous.?
? ?I feel defined by my anxiety.?
? ?Before I can move forward with my life, I have to get my anxiety under control.?
? ?If I were a stronger person, I could stop myself from feeling anxious.?

From a similar book for depression:
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