Does the Holiday Season cause stress in your home, or have you figured out a way to manage all the comings and goings of adults, children, perhaps pets, toys, food, gifts....
Anyone currently dealing with an anxiety disorder, seasonal affect disorder, depression or any other mood or stress realted ilness or disorder may find all the hyper-energetic activity a bit overwhelming.
What strategies have you implemented that might be of help to other Pdychlinks members to keep the lid on the Holiday activities with the emphasis on maintaing control over ones current condition that might be receiving therapy.
If you have just begun a course of new medication, and you are just adapting to the changes the medication might be causing in your systen plus you are adjusting to possible side effects, you need some time out from all the chatter and excitement,
Share your plans and strategies for dealing with Holiday Activity, while trying to be gracious to guests and maintain control over your own medical issues and perhaps therapies, all at the same time.
Anyone currently dealing with an anxiety disorder, seasonal affect disorder, depression or any other mood or stress realted ilness or disorder may find all the hyper-energetic activity a bit overwhelming.
What strategies have you implemented that might be of help to other Pdychlinks members to keep the lid on the Holiday activities with the emphasis on maintaing control over ones current condition that might be receiving therapy.
If you have just begun a course of new medication, and you are just adapting to the changes the medication might be causing in your systen plus you are adjusting to possible side effects, you need some time out from all the chatter and excitement,
Share your plans and strategies for dealing with Holiday Activity, while trying to be gracious to guests and maintain control over your own medical issues and perhaps therapies, all at the same time.