More threads by desiderata


It was announces today that our production unit will close and that layoffs will begin February 17th. I am not looking forward going back there for any amount of time with all the emotions that will be going around in myself and others. But I must until I find new work.:(


It was announces today that our production unit will close and that layoffs will begin February 17th. I am not looking forward going back there for any amount of time with all the emotions that will be going around in myself and others. But I must until I find new work.:(

Sorry to hear that , desiderata! Yes lots of low moral there I can imagine. Hope you sort it out. Im trying to decide between my new job and another job... same company but it feels like Im gambling with my work life which in turn effects my general well being because so much time us spent there!


I am not looking forward going back there for any amount of time with all the emotions that will be going around in myself and others. But I must until I find new work.:(

Your energy has to be refocused on investigating whatever new opportunities might be available. Would you consider the same kind of work with another employer or would retraining to enter another line of work be an option?


Sorry to hear that desiderata,it's such a familiar thing to be hearing,seems to be happening all over the place.

Sometimes when one door closes another one opens,and I hope that's the case for you.


Steve, I am confident that I will find the same kind of work soon. It's in the interim that I am not so confident.


I am not looking forward going back there for any amount of time with all the emotions that will be going around in myself and others.(

That would be hard,people are going to be stressed out,bummed out,worried,etc.I imagine it would be difficult to even want to go at all,let alone be productive.

I don't know what I would actually do or how I would react in that situation,but I most likely would do the least amount of work I could without getting in trouble for it,would probably just kind of goof around and have fun knowing it's going to be coming to an end soon.But,that's just me.


I have been out of the workforce for quite a while, but from what I hear, employer / employee loyalty and long term commitment by either party is considered a rare commodity in today's employment environment.

Employers offer little if any incentive for people to remain and in some circles, long term employment with one employer is considered a detriment.

There is no doubt that unexpected termination of employment, even when it involves layoffs, can feel like betrayal, especially when employees have been loyal and dedicated.

If I were in your situation, I think I would try to continue giving a fair days work for the pay, because my reputation and eventual references would be reflected in my performance during the transition period.
I am confident that I will find the same kind of work soon. It's in the interim that I am not so confident.

Since you believe you will find employment elsewhere, is your concern about how you will feel emotionally during the transition period? How's your relationship with the person / people you report to? Is the employer offering any form of relocation / retraining / counseling / compensation?


Oh...I thought it was a temporary shutdown. It happens at my brothers work all the time where he gets laid off then rehired once production starts.

In the interim can you use vacation etc time?



I am not too concerned with myself and the stages one goes through at difficult points in their life; anger, depression, etc. I plan on giving a fair days work for a fair days wage. I have a good relationship with my supervisor and plant manager. I will find out more on Monday but I know I will eligible for vacation pay after January 1st. and there is supposed to be a severance package also. My final day is scheduled to be February 17th. I don't know yet if you have to work until your final day or not to be eligible. I hope not because I don't want to let opportunities else where pass me by because I'm waiting on a check.
My concern is the attitudes of my coworkers and how that will effect me and the entire shop. These attitudes haven't been good even before this announcement.

---------- Post Merged at 04:52 PM ---------- Previous Post was at 04:46 PM ----------


After January 1st I will receive 2 weeks of vacation time.


Two weeks after Jan 1st is good! If you are unionized you can talk to them about weather you need to be there until the closing day in order to get your severence.
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