More threads by David Baxter PhD

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Conquer Stigma in the Workplace
By Sandra Kiume

The SAMHSA Resource Center to Address Discrimination and Stigma (ADS Center) has produced a new fact sheet on mental health in the workplace. Mental Health, It?s Part of our Lives at Work details ways to disclose to an employer, risks and benefits and more. It provides links to American legal resources, and more information on employment issues.

Depression costs the economy 70 billion annually, according to The Wall Street Journal, and one in five in the office is vulnerable to some form of mental illness. I suggest you print a few extra copies of the PDF and leave them in the lunchroom. You are not alone; information helps all involved.

SAMHSA also offers free teleconferences, not online, but audio recordings archived for replay via a toll free number in the United States only (1-888-844-1786). They include more in-depth topics like Self-disclosure: The Public and Personal Effects of Revealing Mental Health Problems, Overcoming Barriers and the Stigma Associated With Mental Illness In Rural Communities, Transition to Adulthood: Strategies for Overcoming Stigma and Achieving Positive Outcomes for Young Adults, and many others geared specifically to groups such as older adults, African-Americans, Asian-Americans, and more, including culturally diverse American communities.

The fact sheet has relevance to workers in the rest of the world, too.

Direct download PDF.
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