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David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Runaway Eating: The 8-Point Plan to Conquer Adult Food and Weight Obsessions
By Cynthia M. Bulik, Ph.D., and Nadine Taylor, M.S., R.D.
Published by Rodale
January 2005; $14.95US/$20.95CAN; 1-59486-038-6

Have you ever eaten half a chocolate cake, then felt terrible about yourself?

Have you been on some form of a diet for as long as you can remember? Do you hate your weight, your shape, or your body in general, to the point where you cringe whenever you see a picture of yourself? If the answer is yes, you’re not alone.

In this groundbreaking book, clinical psychologist Cynthia Bulik, Ph.D., and dietitian Nadine Taylor examine a disturbing trend: the dramatic increase in the number of midlife women seeking treatment for eating disorders. And because eating disorders don’t just appear out of nowhere, the authors project that there are millions of us who struggle with milder forms of unhealthy eating behaviors. If your diet has taken over your life, if you frequently use food to run away from your problems, if you berate yourself after overeating, you are a Runaway Eater.

Fortunately, there is hope and help. In this book, you’ll discover:
  • The hidden link you may not have considered. The hormonal changes of menopause and the years leading up to it can affect your appetite and eating patterns in unexpected ways. Learn how to work with your body instead of against it.
  • The little-known dangers of dieting. Discover why diets –- and especially low-carb diets –- may contribute to out-of-control eating.
  • A practical self-treatment plan. Learn to manage Runaway Eating triggers –- including depression, anxiety, and perfectionism –- with simple, proven strategies that will help you regain control of your eating, your weight, and your life. [/list:u] Authors
    Cynthia Bulik, Ph.D., is the William R. and Jeanne H. Jordan Distinguished Professor of Eating Disorders at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. She is also a professor of nutrition in the School of Public Health and the director of the UNC Eating Disorders Program.

    Nadine Taylor is a registered dietitian and chair of the Women’s Health Council of the American Nutraceutical Association. She is the author of numerous health books and articles.
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