More threads by Darkside

Anyone seen the previews for the movie "Cloud Atlas?" Leave it to Tom Hanks to give us another way to look at life and death.
Re: Overwhelmed

I donated some canned goods the other day for a food drive, and I've started decorating my house for Christmas and buying my children Christmas gifts. I don't know why exactly, but doing this has improved my sense of self-worth ... like I was put here for a reason.

For a long time I've believed that doing something for others (completely unselfishly -- or as much so as possible) had the power to lift feelings of helplessness, depression and apathy. I just haven't done it in a few years.

I highly recommend it. :2thumbs:


Re: Overwhelmed

Darkside... Good on ya! You're waving your butterfly wings - could very well be the start of something really big... like a "New Me Tsunami"...

I only put up a few favourite decorations this year... but they have accomplished the atmosphere husband and I don't buy one another gifts, and concentrate on a quiet traditional dinner...and calling a couple of close friends and family...the in-laws - but not the

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