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I might have mentioned last month that I got my name on a waiting list to see a counselor from The Family Counseling Center. They told me it would take 2 to 3 months. Well I got a call today and one of the counselors is taking new patients. The fee is based on your salary. So I pay $40. a visit. The man told me that means I am allowed 8 visits. Not much but better then nothing. Right I need more counseling. I want to just be able to talk. With CMHA we can't just talk we have to work on some goals like communication skills or stress reduction... But I would like just to talk about my everyday problems and stuff about my past that made me who I am today. Also maybe by doing that I will get a better handle on my depression.
My first appointment is tomorrow morning at 9 am. Pretty quick since I just talk to the man during my afternoon break a few hours ago.

I will let you know how it goes

Thanks DR Baxter. :)
I don't know about extending it. I know it goes by a set amount of money probably $300. Because when he realized my fee was going to be $40 he said that means 8 session. So if it was cheaper I could get more session. I am not sure I could afford more then $40 right now. Also they told me it was on short term basis.

I know I could have tried to go back to out patient mental health at the hospital that would be free but I had a bad experience a few years back where the Dr labeled me low normal borderline intelligence. I have that in writing. I got a copy of his assessment on me when I went got assessed for my ADHD. That is not true I am smart. I just have a learning disability so I might need something rephrased or explained differently or just shown.


Hi everyone DR Baxter I talked to the counselor and we are only allowed 8 session per year so that everybody gets a chance to see a counselor. I had to fill out a questionnaire before my appointment then he went through it with me and he asked what my problems are. So it was more or less an assessment appointment.
I will start a new discussion in the Private area.

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