I hate being that person.. The crazy person in the room. Here i am probably in the worst place for me... my fathers. and i am completely and totally obsessed. I am not only counting and checking my own food intake noting like crazy every stupid number, i am doing the same for everyone else checking to make sure i am eating less than everyone that i am eating healthier than everyone that i basically don't touch any of the same foods as everyone that i have my own stupid food because i am that crazy. I hate the holidays as many people with eating disorders because of exactly that the food. I can't just eat like everyone else enjoy everything ie everyone i have to calculate and restrict everything because it doesn't fit what i am aloud to eat. I would love to be able to just eat it, I hate the fact that i have been eating same things for over 14years. adding new "diet" foods because the world just keeps on coming up with new calorie less foods. Trying to save the worlds from obesity they are just making the other side of things so much worst. I am frustrated with myself because i know that its me i am the one with the control with the power to stop this to stop myself yet i can't stop calculating or freaking out I just wish i could shut my head off for a while i wish everything i know about calories and good or bad food would just be erased from my mind i hate this. sorry i am struggling.. i feel pathetic i am over anxious about well lots of stuff and its coming out in my anorexia.. big time, I can't control anything in my life so well. e-d kicked in overdrive. it just feels like it will never change!