More threads by David Baxter PhD

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Guy 1: Look! A bunch of cows!

Guy 2: Herd of cows!

Guy 1: Of course I?ve heard of cows!

Guy 2: No, no! A cow herd!

Guy 1: What do I care if a cow heard? I didn't say anything I shouldn?t have!

Daniel E.
and make better decisions (like what the cows should hear) with this software.
So I guess it's like iTunes for cows. Of course, if the cows had their own iPods, they could self-manage themselves.


iTunes, iPods, and iPhones for cows. What is this world coming to?!

I wonder if whales have iPods? (get it? a "pod" of whales...hahahaha).
I don't like cows. I was chased by a cow when I was little and it has scarred me for life. And every single house we have bought has been next to a cow pasture. Nice. :eek: :eek:
I think all of that is true. I think they definitely are following me. I think I need that cow management software. I also snicker when I drive by McDonalds. :lol:

When we had goats (that was a big fiasco) we fenced in our property so the neighbors cows couldn't come up to our fence anymore (it's really confusing and I can't explain better than that), but before that I really enjoyed scaring the cows and making them run away. Payback, I guess. Or maybe I'm as evil as they are.


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..You may just have ruined McDonald's for me :lol:...nah...

Just remember, cows are intelligent - they will remember you. i.e.: be nice......Ok, kidding. :)

Daniel E.
The cows that live next to my property seem nice, though they do seem less intelligent than a dog. It's always weird, though, when I notice they have "moved on."


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My grandfather was a dairy farmer. When he sold the farm (and the cows), they all came back from great distances. On the day that they left, they all came back in time for the nighttime milking - and stuck their heads into the kitchen window to find him....I think they're intelligent animals. :) It doesn't meant that I particularly want to get "that" close to them...:)

I don't know - My grandfather always swore they were intelligent - what the heck do I know about cows? :lol:
They should like me. I am vegetarian for Pete's sake. :lol:

They could be intelligent, but don't they lick their own noses? Ewww.


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They should like me. I am vegetarian for Pete's sake. :lol:

They could be intelligent, but don't they lick their own noses? Ewww.

Wait a second - don't you have cats and dogs? :) Licking their noses, well...I won't finish that sentence for you CD. :)
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