More threads by David Baxter PhD

Yeah, but I still wasn't talking about them here so I'm not sure what the point is? I was just trying to be light hearted anyway. I wasn't attacking the intelligence of cows or anything.

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Yeah, but I still wasn't talking about them here so I'm not sure what the point is? I was just trying to be light hearted anyway. I wasn't attacking the intelligence of cows or anything.

Some people just can't stay on topic. Besides, attacking "the intelligence of cows" is like attacking "the philanthropy of sharks" hard to fight what you cannot see... :)


Account Closed
Yeah, but I still wasn't talking about them here so I'm not sure what the point is? I was just trying to be light hearted anyway. I wasn't attacking the intelligence of cows or anything.

I was just gently teasing you, CD. No offense was intended. :)
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