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I was wondering if anyone else has experienced pain when stress is released from the body.
This has happened to me quite a lot but my psychiatrist has never heard of it. Maybe someone here has.
I've thought it might be like a muscle which resists letting go of tension and, in its resistance, there is some pain associated with letting go. The pain always emanates from that part of my body which is relaxing but often radiates along the length of my body - even to the tips of my arms or down to my feet. It seems to pulsate, almost in a wave-like way.
I just find it curious.


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The pain always emanates from that part of my body which is relaxing but often radiates along the length of my body - even to the tips of my arms or down to my feet. It seems to pulsate, almost in a wave-like way.

Experiencing it right now Amastie. I've been really stressed at work this week - my upper back muscles were very tense. Now they've started relaxing and they're still hurting with radiating pain down my arms and hands.

I think it's the release of chemicals - I've been told to take glucosamine for the ache. Haven't tried it yet because I want to do a little more research on glucosamine - I'll be happy to share my research with you though! :)


Resident Canuck
I have had pains too.

Once I was doubled over and almost went to the hospital, but went the next business day to see my Family Doctor.

She always takes me seriously. She did an ultra sound, xrays and blood work. Everything came back negative :huh: but the pain was still there. She saw my tention in my neck at that point and she told me that depression can cause pains too.

Even with anxiety and panic attacks, there can be lingering effects. I remember before I had an anti-anxiety med to take, I would sleep for days, exhausted after a panic attack.

My Psychiatrist also told me that with a panic attack, all the nerve endings go on overload, so it is "normal" to be so tired afterwards. It is a full body experience.

There are physical symptoms to our illness that we feel too.

Maybe discuss it with your Family Doctor to make sure. :)

Hope your feeling better soon Amastie. A gentle :hug: for you
Hi amastie ,
I agree with everybody else , I don't know what the metabolic dynamics involved are but , only when stress is released one realises how much the body has been under tension , I can only liken it to a muscular pins and needles .


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I've found a few articles on Glucosamine - it should be noted that anyone with allergies to shellfish should not use it and there are some questions about whether people with diabetes should be using it.

Glucosamine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Glucosamine -

It seems to be more helpful for joints and people who suffer from arthritis. Although it does have an anti-inflammatory property.....

...I think I'll stick with my Epson salts for the time being.:)


Experiencing it right now Amastie. I've been really stressed at work this week - my upper back muscles were very tense. Now they've started relaxing and they're still hurting with radiating pain down my arms and hands.)
Ohhh, I'm so sorry Jazzey :support: :hug:
I didn't know that we experience the same thing!
Not good, huh?

....I think it's the release of chemicals - I've been told to take glucosamine for the ache. Haven't tried it yet because I want to do a little more research on glucosamine - I'll be happy to share my research with you though! :)
I already take a lot of glucosamine for arthritis, without any negative effect - and don't know if there is any positive effect either :unsure: Been taking it for years but I do know that you can't take it if you're allergic to shell fish.
Thanks a lot Jazzey :)

amastie added 23 Minutes and 7 Seconds later...

I have had pains too.
Once I was doubled over and almost went to the hospital....
I'm *so* sorry that you experience that NicNak. Seems you experience it much, much worse than I do - maybe because you experience the painic attacks. I don't experience those.

.....but went the next business day to see my Family Doctor.
She always takes me seriously.....
It's really good that she does.

....she told me that depression can cause pains too.

Even with anxiety and panic attacks, there can be lingering effects. I remember before I had an anti-anxiety med to take, I would sleep for days, exhausted after a panic attack.

My Psychiatrist also told me that with a panic attack, all the nerve endings go on overload, so it is "normal" to be so tired afterwards. It is a full body experience. ....
I only experience the pain as the tension is being released and never feel exhaused afterward. It really is like a muscle which is resisting letting go but has to.

< I have to come back to this. My keyboard is once again typing the wrong characters. Using onscreen keyboard - *very* slow. >
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....Even with anxiety and panic attacks, there can be lingering effects. I remember before I had an anti-anxiety med to take, I would sleep for days, exhausted after a panic attack....
:support: :hug:

I have had pains too.
...Maybe discuss it with your Family Doctor to make sure. :)
Hope your feeling better soon Amastie. A gentle :hug: for you
Thank you NicNak :)
I have no confidence in my family doctor's understanding of psych stuff and she prefers to leave that to my psychiatrist. As for the pain when stress is released, I can ask her but I expect her to steer me back to my psychiatrist.

Thank you for your kind words :hug:

For now,



Hi amastie ,
I agree with everybody else , I don't know what the metabolic dynamics involved are but , only when stress is released one realises how much the body has been under tension, I can only liken it to a muscular pins and needles .
Yes, I liken it to a muscle letting go, though clearly painful.
Thank you WP :)
Hope that you are presently free of that and feeling well :hug:
For now,


Yes, thank you.
I only ever have them in distinct moments, and not always. I asked about them because my psychiatrist had never heard of it and I didn't know if anyone else did.
Take care :)


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Thanks Amastie. I really think, like you,that there is a psychological component. Particularly for those of us who suffer from any panic or anxiety disorder...Just another coping mechanism to learn! :)

Maybe that just means that we have to be extra-vigilant about catching the attacks or the stress before they can do any greater harm to our bodies?!

I hope that today is a better day for you Amastie. :hug:
Hi Amastie ,

hope that you are more comfortable today , and the" pins and needles" have quietened down :)
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Thank you WP,
I don't have them at the moment.
It only happens occasionally.
I am well. Hope you are too :)
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