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You know, I might just have Bipolar II.

I'm sitting here now crying. Just out of the blue. Well not quite out of the blue, I had a list of things to do today (about 25), I got about 7 done this morning, two of them appointments downtown (you know, the psych appt., and something else), and a few unexpected todo's. I was hyper, productive, content, and impatient. Keeping in mind that I only got about 5 hours of sleep tonight.

I get home and continue working on the list, but get sidetracked and end up spending way too long on one thing. So it turns 4pm, and realize I need to plan out my vacation so I can email it tommorow and oh crap I have to study my algebra and do homework etc. etc., so I start planning the vacation... can't concentrate... too tired.... I start working on algebra, can't concentrate... too tired.... start doing target practice with my rataan bow... can't concentrate...

And now the mania has drifted into deep depression.
Was gonna have a beer to relax... nah that'll make me even more tired
Was gonna have some xanax to relax... nah again, makes me too tired
So left with stimulants... exercise, and nicotine.

Okay maybe if i can get myself to go out and play some b-ball or jog or bike it'd help.... I agree I know it would.... but I'm afraid of seeing people right now. I don't want to be seen by them.

This has been happening alot lately, these cycles, and I was always told that bipolar is a state in which you are depressed for days/weeks/months then manic for days/weeks/months, not manic/elated half the day then suicidally depressed the other half. So me and my doc figured cyclothymia, not bipolar. But these depressive episodes are getting worse and worse. Thinking about SI but didn't cause I got it out with tears.

I don't know, am I bipolar? Depressed? What is going on in my head :(
Re: Cyclothymia with...severe depression? Must be bipolar II...?

it may be a while before there's a definite diagnosis. from what i understand these things aren't cut and dry. when do you see your psychiatrist again?

Daniel E.
Re: Cyclothymia with...severe depression? Must be bipolar II...?

To confuse the issue even further:

Many are unaware of the milder temperamental expressions of the disease [manic depression] or do not know that most people that have manic-depressive illness are, in fact, without symptoms (that is, they are psychologically normal) most of the time.” (p. 5 of Touched with Fire by Dr. Kay Jamison)

Of course, one can have mood swings with unipolar depression. I know I do :) Mood stabilizers do seem to help some people with depression who have mood swings, and I would think anything that helps alleviate depression or anxiety would help alleviate the mood swings, at least in people with unipolar depression. With bipolar disorder, medications are generally more effective than therapy, though therapy can certainly help greatly and everyone is different.


Re: Cyclothymia with...severe depression? Must be bipolar II...?

Moodswings are also part of PTSD. If there's a trigger, however subtle, it may be trauma related.
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